Sunday, February 19, 2017

Maysen Dominates

I forgot to write last post about being lucky. While Maysen and I were waiting for the tow truck we listed all the ways the car dying could have gone worse. The car could have died in Logan, not close to home. It could have died in the middle of our houses where we would have had no where to go. It could have died in the middle of an intersection. It could have died in the car pool lane on the freeway. It could have died when we took Jorja's friends to Idaho last week. It could have been dark. It could have been stormy. We could have gotten into an accident. It could have been much, much worse. I am thankful we were able to get home last night and that we were safe. This morning as I was walking into choir practice Sister Bird asked me if I was enjoying my new car. I was confused. I definitely don't have a new car. She finally realized it wasn't me she saw. Made me laugh though.

Mike and I were asked to speak in church next week. It will be ward conference. We were asked to speak on 'Keeping the Sabbath Day Holy'. This is what I thought of during the sacrament. I surprised myself by getting an entire outline done. Someone else came and talked to Mike after church and changed the sacrament talk. It sounds like several people are being asked about how they keep the Sabbath day holy. That kind of changes my plan, but I think I have it figured out.

Mike asked Lisa and Nathan if they wanted to come over and play games. We never heard back. We were surprised when Melissa and Derek were at our door. The house was decent, but not as put together as we would have had it if we knew they were coming. Lisa, Nathan and Taylor also came. Turns out Nathan replied, but Mike never got the message. Weird. Mike, Taylor, Derek and Preston played Colt Express with the different expansions. Taylor was excited to try it. He also ended up winning the game. Nathan, Melissa, Maysen and I played Settlers with Maysen's board. It was fun except the fact that no one had a chance in this game. Maysen dominated by the second turn. By the third turn it was obvious she would win, the only question was how long it would take her. Nathan kept saying, "I have never seen anyone dominate like that before." It was crazy. Eight was rolled several times. Every time it was rolled Maysen would get four ore and two sheep. She got the robber several times, but it didn't set her back for long. Maysen was blue in this game.
It was a lot of fun to have the Hodson's over. I wish we had been better about getting together. It is going to be sad when they move to California.

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