Wednesday, March 29, 2017


So, Stockton didn't win his election. This was a primary election and the top two make it to the finals. Stockton knew he had an uphill battle, he was running against popular people. The girl he was running against has close to 2,000 followers on Instagram. Compare that with Stockton's 200 or so. I think if he was able to get to the part with the skits or panels, he would have had a great shot. Stockton shines in front of people. The thing I'm going to miss most about Stockton running is seeing Stockton so excited about something. I have never seen that from him before. Makes me sad because he would have been amazing. I am more angry at Mr. Packer than sad that Stockton lost the election though. Mr. Packer is over the student government people. Stockton likes him and has made comments about how he thinks Mr. Packer likes him and would like to see him in student government. When Stockton was filling out his paperwork, and there was a lot, he had to answer a weird question. The question was, 'If you lose would you be willing to run for Senior class?'. I thought that was such an irrelevant question. Stockton thought about it a lot, and we talked about it a lot. The reason Stockton wanted to run for Attorney General was because that is what Mike was when he went to Alta. There isn't an Attorney General for senior class, and Stockton felt that he would be taking someone's spot. I told Stockton to check the 'no' box. I said, "You could always run if you want to, but then you won't feel like you have to." Anyways, after the results were announced and Stockton found out he didn't make the finals Mr. Packer said, "First of all, I want you to know I'm proud of you for putting yourself out there. I would never have had the courage to do that when I was in high school. I was just a geeky band kid. I do want you to know that those of you who chose not to run for senior class and didn't win that Alta made the right decision because that just shows you wanted to be a big shot and you didn't want to serve Alta." I was totally annoyed with that comment. Stockton didn't run to be a big shot. He knew it was a long shot to win, but wanted to give it a chance. Plus, wouldn't it be more likely you wanted to be a big shot if you kept running? Way to kick the kids when they are down Mr. Packer.

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