Tuesday, March 28, 2017


Stockton had a little bit of trouble getting his signs handed out. He was hoping to get a freshman to hold one of his signs. The problem was, everyone he asked in our ward was already carrying a sign for someone else in the ward. There are four people in our ward running. Stockton went to school early and was able to get some friends to hold them, so that was nice, he just was hoping it would be in the younger age group. Stockton didn't get back one of his shirts yesterday from his friend, Jove. Hopefully Jove wore the shirt again, but Stockton didn't see him all day; so who knows what happened with that. Stockton had to campaign during both lunches. He wasn't looking forward to it, but he ended up enjoying it. Stockton said everything went really well. He always knew the right thing to say in different situations. He didn't want to bother anyone, but enough people came up and talked to him that he didn't have to. He has been really happy with his campaign. He likes the Zelda theme and everyone loves his posters. He said, "Even if I don't win, at least my campaign is something I don't have to be embarrassed about."

I took Stockton straight to diving. Diving was cancelled yesterday, so we went today. Stockton looked exhausted by the time I got in there. They were still discussing the previous meet. Stockton said he was so tired and couldn't keep his eyes opened, but he felt fine once he hit the water.

I had my weigh-in today. I was a little disappointed with the results. I lost a lot of weight, 16.7 pounds; but I also lost muscle. What? We lift a lot of weights in class, so that was weird. They said that I wasn't eating enough protein. I tried to do what Michael said. I cut out all sugar, grain, dairy and fruits. I ate a lot. Mostly eggs, chicken, fish and vegetables. Still, they said that I lost 7 pounds of muscle. That is discouraging. He said my body fat loss would have been more if I hadn't lost any muscle. I lost 3 1/2% body fat. Last time I lost 8% body fat. I tried harder to follow his eating plan exactly this time, so I'm frustrated about that. No way I won this contest! I did lose 9.3 pounds of fat tissue, maybe they'll go off of that result instead. Oh well. 

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