Saturday, April 22, 2017

Life is Good

I totally forgot to write about Jorja's 'Life is Good' project. At the beginning of the year the kids have to sign up for a day to do a ten minute presentation. When Stockton had this teacher he took the first available slot. Jorja took the last. Stockton did his about paper airplanes. Jorja did hers about her dad. The kids are supposed to bring a hand out and something for the kids, like something to eat. Stockton made paper airplanes for everyone and his handout was a piece of paper that said 'Fold this into a paper airplane'. Jorja's handout was a tiny 3D printed robot and homemade apple cider. Jorja shared how cool her dad is and the fun stuff he does. 3D printing, apple press, wand stations. She had a blast!

Today was a busy day! Mike dropped off Stockton at school so he could take a practice AP Physics test, then he spent the rest of the day at a political meeting. Mike is a county delegate. I dropped off Jorja at her softball practice and Maysen at her laser appointment. After Maysen's appointment we went to Home Depot and took lots of pictures of kitchen stuff and got floor, countertop and paint samples. Maysen is designing a kitchen for her final in Interior Design. We finished about fifteen minutes before Jorja was finished so decided to hit up Sonic. When Jorja got in the car she said, "Let's go eat!" and then groaned when she saw the Sonic bag. I stopped by Arby's to get her a chicken cordon bleu; that is her favorite right now. I saw this advertisement while I was in there. I can't even imagine.
Mike took Jorja to a Japanese steakhouse place yesterday. No one else wanted to go with him. Maysen and I were still full from our lunch at Angie's. They brought home leftovers. Mike texted me around lunchtime asking to save the leftovers for him. I texted back 'oops'. I thought I was hilarious, Mike not so much. It has been so much fun having Maysen home for this little bit. I love it when my entire family is together. Thirteen days until she moves home for the summer!
Maysen, Stephanie, Stockton, Preston in the messy kitchen
 Maysen & Stephanie
Maysen is working on her Interior Design project. We talked and talked and talked with her. Preston did a Family Home Evening lesson for everyone. He was able to finish his Duty to God requirements for scouts. Today was a great day.

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