Sunday, April 23, 2017

Mr. Banana

Yesterday I was asked to combine primary classes with another class. I was extremely worried about this. The teacher said she was trying to get a sub. I was frustrated because this isn't Georgia. It is super easy to get a sub here. Every time I have tried to get a sub I usually can get one within 40 seconds. Also, it changes the dynamics of how I teach this class. I have three sweet little girls, although last Sunday I found out I have another child. He hasn't ever been to my class, but he came last week and went to his brother's class. He is going to be a handful. I didn't know if he was going to show up and I wanted his first experience to be a positive one. I asked how many people she has in her class. She said she usually has four that show up. The thing is, I don't know if it is going to be four or more than four. Add to my possibility of four and me by myself; that makes me really anxious. Also, because my class is so small I teach every week by myself. This other teacher only teaches every other week. The thing that irritated me was she said, "I owe you one. Well, I guess I already did this for you, I taught Natalie." What? You are comparing me teaching a class of who knows how many to when I was gone and only Natalie was there? I did get a sub, but when she saw it was only Natalie she asked if she could go with another class. How is that the same? I answered, "For the record, I did get a sub. It was the sub that pawned off Natalie, not me." I don't know why that bothered me so badly. I'm just really nervous. I like to know what I am walking into, and I have no idea. Teaching is hard. I am good at it, but that doesn't mean it is easy for me. Anyways, I decided to ask someone to come in and help me. I contacted one of our permanent subs and asked if she could come in with me. She answered within twenty seconds and said she would love to. How can you not find a sub if I got one within twenty seconds? We have three permanent subs, the parents of the kids in the class and fifteen people who have said they would be willing if we needed them. All on a handy dandy list. Okay, done with rant.

I woke up worried but thought this would be good. I asked Liz Brockbank to help me. She is young and just was called to this calling. I'm not sure she has ever taught primary before. I thought she could see what it is like and help ease my anxiety. Win-win. The lesson was on the Word of Wisdom. I complained to Mike about how boring this lesson seemed and how I couldn't find any good helps or think of any good ideas. The lesson manual looked like it didn't have enough to take the entire time. Plus, the things I was trying to print out weren't working. He was the right person to complain to because he is a freaking genius! I wish I had his creativity. He asked me if I would want to take the fruit bowl he brought to Jorja's school on Friday. Oh my gosh! This was the best lesson ever! Okay . . . first we had sharing/singing time. Here are my three girls. I love them!
Andi, Natalie, Alex
 I'm worried about telling Andi and Alex apart once Alex's hair grows back.
Luckily she cut her bangs really short right as I became her teacher. :)
Mike and I talked about different things I wanted to do in my lesson. He programed Mr. Banana while I was at choir practice. He kept the order secret from me so I would be surprised. I knew the different things Mr. Banana was going to say, but I didn't know the order. All I knew was right before the prayer the kids would have apple cider. I ended up having three kids from the other class. The girl was really easy, but the boys were more difficult. Luckily with three adults in the room we were able to sit between them and redirect them. Anyways, I started off by asking the kids if they knew what the Word of Wisdom was. No one did. They had heard the words before, but they couldn't tell what it was about. I briefly explained to them the Word of Wisdom and how no one knew things like smoking were harmful to your bodies before Heavenly Father told Joseph Smith. I made sure to explain that people who don't follow the Word of Wisdom aren't bad, it is just bad for your body. I also talked about Daniel refusing the kings wine and meat. After that was done I told them that Mr. Banana was going to teach the rest of the lesson. Natalie was first. Mike taught her how to use the wand and the banana asked her to find a picture that shows something healthy. She was to put it in a bag with a smiley face on it. Mike had taped healthy and unhealthy pictures up around the room. Mr. Banana would ask them to find a picture of cigarettes and tear up the picture. They loved tearing up the bad pictures. Mr. Banana would have them do jumping jacks, push ups and even take a walk around the church. Once Mr. Banana asked them to watch a video. We watched a two minute video about the Word of Wisdom. Sometimes Mr. Banana would have them eat something healthy. We had bread, bananas (haha!), and apple cider. Mr. Banana even said the closing prayer. It. Was. Awesome. I peaked at my girls while Mr. Banana was saying the closing prayer. They had their arms folded, eyes closed and were trying so hard not to laugh. I am going to remember that image forever.
Mr. Banana
Mike is so great. I was so worried about this class and this lesson and he turned it into one of my favorite teaching memories. I had talked to Liz right before class. I told her that we were doing something a little different today and I usually don't go all out for lessons like I am this time. I didn't want her to think she has to program things to make it exciting. I did tell her that I think the most important part of my calling is to make sure the kids have a good experience at church. They need to like it and have fun. Although when I'm talking to my kids I always start the class with telling them that they are going to have a boring lesson. I did it today too. I told the other class that one thing they need to know about me is I'm a boring teacher and I teach boring lessons. I asked my girls if that was right. They were giggling and said, "Yes! She is boring!" I think this started when we had a visitor and he was complaining about being bored. I told him thank you, that meant I was doing my job! Whenever the kids ask me in sharing time what our lesson is about I always say, "Something boring". I don't know why I do this. It makes the girls giggle though.

Anyways, church was awesome. Because of Mike. I'm so lucky. (Also, Mike asked me if I would remember to bring a bag with a smiley face on it. I told him I would. A couple of times. Surprise! I forgot! Mike hurried home during sacrament meeting to get it. He also picked up my choir music that I left home too.) We then came home to dinner Mike had cooked. Mike also helped me make yogurt last night for the first time. It was yucky by itself, but if we added fruit and honey it was so good! Preston had thirds! This is what my boys were doing right before I took Maysen back to Logan. I love my family.
Preston & Stockton
Maysen and I stopped at Matt and Sam's on the way. Maysen had never met Gregory. I think this first meeting was a success!
Maysen & Gregory
I also gave Gregory his blanket. Yay! Maysen talked to me on the way up to Logan to help me stay awake. Mike had put an audible book and a portable speaker in the car to help me on the way back. I listened to Hunger Games. The thing that annoys me about the audible book is it is narrated by someone who sounds like they are in their 40s. Why couldn't they get someone close to Katniss' age? Or at least someone who sounds like they are 16. I wonder how you get the job to narrating books? I would be horrible at that, but my dad would be fantastic!

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