Thursday, April 20, 2017

Rained Out

I worked on Gregory's blanket most of the day. I have no idea how my grandma made so many blankets. She spent the last few healthy years of her life making blankets for new grand babies. She knew she wouldn't be able to make the blankets soon, so she made as many as she could. I think she made about 70 blankets for soon to be born kids. When she died I think there were around 40 left. This one is taking me forever, I wonder how my grandma did it?

Jorja had a softball game. We thought it was probably rained out, but Jorja got a text saying the game was on. We hurried down there, but Jorja's team was the only one that showed up. I don't think it was a forfeit though because Mike said the automatic thing you call to see if games are cancelled said all games were cancelled today. Maybe Jorja's coaches were hoping they would change their mind? They ended up practicing. I watched from the car. Mike came straight from work, so we hung out in the car together. We did get out of the car and watch behind the backstop towards the end. We were able to see Jorja pitch and bat. The weather app says it will be a sunny weekend and rain all next week. Jorja is not happy about that possibility.

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