Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Panic Attack

Mike came home for lunch today. We had tacos. We have a ton leftover from Saturday. I have had tacos for lunch every day this week. I think a few more days and that should do it!

Stockton and I picked up Preston early from school to go to diving. Here is a video of Stockton's 2 1/2 pike on 3 meter. I didn't get any good videos of Preston because he worked mostly on 1 meter, so he was kind of hard to see.
Preston wanted to play Seafall when we got home. Mike, Preston and I have played that a lot lately. It is really fun, but takes forever. Stockton and Jorja had no interest in playing the game. (We started it a few months ago.) We try to fit in a few turns whenever we can. While we were playing I got a call from Jorja's coach. Jorja was at softball practice. Her coach said she got bonked on the head and was having a little panic attack. She said she got her breathing calmed down but her vision was going in and out. She suggested I come to practice in case Jorja needed to be seen by someone. Yikes! That was a little worrysome.

Jorja was sitting on the grass by the 3rd base side when I came. She was still a little teary and shaky, but didn't want to leave. She didn't want to talk about what happened because she was worried she would start crying again. I was able to get Jorja to talk to me on the way home. Jorja had been pitching at practice, then they called her in to bat. The other picture needed to warm up, so Jorja took out her phone to see if Stockton had texted her back. He had, but she didn't read the text. She just tossed the phone into her bag. Apparently one of the assistant coaches had seen Jorja with her phone. He came over and started yelling at her, then he hit her on the head. Jorja was wearing her helmet, so it didn't hurt, but it was loud and it scared her. She hurried up to bat because she didn't want to start crying. She was shaking, but was able to get on the base. After she had ran the bases, she went behind the backstop because she couldn't breathe. She was gasping for breath for awhile. She tried to go bat again, but her vision fogged over and she couldn't see anything. I think that was when the coaches noticed something was wrong with her. Jorja really likes her coaches this year except she says they swear a lot. I think the coach that hit her helmet was trying to be funny, but Jorja isn't use to humor like that. We are so blessed that we don't have any contention in the home. The kids don't fight with each other. Mike and I don't fight with them. Mike and I don't fight with each other. There is a lot of peace here. I know some people fight as a way to joke around, and I think that was what the coach was doing; but Jorja isn't used to that at all. I don't know why she wasn't able to breath, she said it just really scared her. (The coach that hit her is a pretty big dude.) As we left practice, Jorja gave cupcakes to everyone and a special cake slice to the assistant coach that had hit her. It was his birthday on Monday and Jorja brought him cake for it. He said, "You are the sweetest child I have ever met." Yep. That sums Jorja up nicely.

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