Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Righteous Day

I did a lot of church stuff today. I went visiting teaching to Javita. I love talking to her. She thinks the MLB draft is going to be on June 12th, which is a Monday. I thought things like that always were on Sunday. Hopefully her son, Damian, will be drafted. Pretty exciting. I went straight from Javita's house to the temple. The Relief Society was doing a temple trip. I have been trying to go once a week to the temple this year, so I figured now would be as good as a time as any. Only two other people from my ward were there. Suzanne Heaton (the Relief Society president) and Carolyn Madsen. Anna Marie Neider was also there. She moved out of our ward several years ago. She was the YW secretary in the presidency when I served in that calling. I got to know her well and even shared a room with her at girls camp. I really like her, so it was nice to see her. I also saw Cathy Jex when I was in the dressing room. Lots of people at the temple today.

I went on splits with the missionaries tonight. I had never done that before and I was really nervous about it, especially since I was supposed to set up all of the appointments. Nellie said she would do that for me. I was so thankful! The problem was, as we were driving to the first appointment we received a text that the other appointment was cancelled. She said we could go knock on this one person's door if we had extra time. I really didn't want to do that because I don't know that person at all. Because we live in a gated community, the missionaries need someone who lives in that community to go with them to knock on doors. I was super scared about that. Anyways, we ended up spending the entire time at the first house, so it worked out. I dropped off the missionaries back at the church where a car was waiting for them so they could go on splits with another ward. When I got home I saw a message from Nellie that came in at 7:00. She said she set up an appointment with Jeanette at 7:15. I had my cell phone on silent, so I didn't see the message. I texted Jeanette and let her know we wouldn't be coming. She had been waiting for us, so I felt bad.

I also felt bad that I would miss Jorja's softball game. It ended up pouring rain right before she got to the field, so the game was cancelled. Jorja had been looking forward to that game. It was against her old coach. The one she started out with. He is so great. We did not know he was coaching her age group. His daughter isn't technically old enough, but she wanted to play up. Jorja loves seeing him at the field and was really looking forward to this game.

That is the gist of my day. Long day. I'm going to have a wicked day tomorrow to even things out. Just kidding!

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