Sunday, May 21, 2017

Water Tower

I had 'Mommy cereal' before church today. It is 'Pumpkin Flax Granola' that Cassie gets at Costco. Dad introduced Cassie to it. Her kids call it 'Mommy cereal' and that makes me laugh. We had early church today. I went with John to Gospel Doctrine. Cassie was asked to substitute Trevor's class, so I was going to help her. Turns out that the primary got a substitute because they didn't know about Cassie. Cassie couldn't be in there during sharing time because she teaches Sunday school. So, Cassie and I were able to go to Relief Society. It was quite the show. The teacher was really good. She was doing some weird game with two of the women and their husbands. They were trying to get papers smashed between themselves. I didn't really get what was happening, but oh well. Anyways, the lesson was on marriage. The comments were super weird. One lady said, "When we were married 17 years I decided I was done with my husband. Just done. So, I decided to look around. And guess what? Everyone is just like him! There is nothing better out there, so if you get frustrated in your marriage; just realize there is nothing better so you might as well stay where you are at." Then later she said, "I hope I don't offend anyone, but I decided to have an affair." What? At this point she paused then added, "An affair with my husband." Weirdo.

Cassie made a delicious roast for dinner. I worked on my blog for awhile. I wanted Saturday's post to be finished before my kids came home from church. Cassie thought it was funny to see John and I at the counter with both of our computers.
John & Stephanie
 Stephanie & Collin
 Stephanie hiding Collin's binki
Mike sent me a picture of his train. He made a water tower to fill drinks. He sent a video of the taco train. I showed the video to Mallory, Trevor and Brandon. They watched it about twenty times!
Mike's new water tower
Taco truck

Maysen sent me the first chapter of the story she is working on. That was fun to read! I'm so glad she is planning on spending this summer writing. John and Cassie taught me a game called Bohnanza. It was a bean collecting game. We were pretty close the entire game, but John won on the last turn. We then stayed up talking until almost 3:00 in the morning. John is going to be so tired at work tomorrow! Cassie has to get up to get Mallory to school too. I can just get up when I want. Suckers!

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