Monday, May 22, 2017

One Hundred Years and One Day

I didn't get a chance to read my dad's blog yesterday, even though I knew it was up. I read it this morning. I wish I would have read it yesterday, because my dad mentioned how May 21st of this year would have been my Grandma Millburn's 100th birthday. That would have just been cool to think about during the day.
Grandma Millburn
I stole these pictures from my dad's blog. Yesterday also would have been my Grandma & Grandpa Millburn's 75th anniversary. I love this picture of my grandparents. Someone watched my grandpa hold the drinking fountain for my grandma and thought it was so cute they snapped a picture. She talked to my grandparents afterwords and sent this picture to them. How nice! When the lady complimented my grandpa for being chivalrous he replied, "I'm not being chivalrous. I just wanted the water to get cold." Haha! Grandpa Millburn was so funny!
Grandpa & Grandma Millburn
Anyways, I think I will copy what was written on my dad's blog here when I get a chance. My kids check my blog more frequently then my dad's, and I think it would be nice for them to hear some stories about my mom. Even the sad ones.

I also forgot to write about Mallory yesterday. Cassie went into the end of singing time because she was going to teach Trevor's class. Mallory was crying. Tears were streaming down her face. Cassie went up to her and asked what was wrong. Mallory said, "These are happy tears. We just sung a beautiful song." Cassie wasn't convinced so she went to the teacher and asked her if Mallory was okay. The teacher told Cassie that she just thinks Mallory was feeling the spirit. When we got home we asked Mallory what the song was and she said that she couldn't tell us, then she pointed secretly to John. Must be a Father's day song.

This morning Cassie and I went to Costco with Trevor, Brandon and Collin. We then stopped to see John at his work for a bit. The first picture I took of John you could see more of his office, but you could also see what he was working on on his computer screen. We thought maybe that wouldn't have been the brightest idea.
Mallory and Trevor had a baseball game. Luckily it wasn't rained out. Mallory got to be pitcher the first inning. The coach pitches, but Mallory got to stand on the mound. Boy did she love that! She would throw her arms up in celebration, sometimes even while the play was still going. It was so funny!
Trevor ~ shortstop, Mallory ~ pitcher
 Trevor just smacked the ball!
 Trevor was the last batter, so he got to have a homerun!
 Trevor got to be pitcher too, the coach is giving him pointers.
 I had Mallory recreate her pitcher's mound celebration after the game.
Cassie ran home during innings and put lasagna in the oven. After the game, John pitched to Mallory, Trevor and Brandon. They had fun running the bases. Mallory did a 'slide' into home. Really she tripped and had quite a fall. We cheered about her awesome slide, but she has been limping on her leg sense. Brandon also had an awesome slide. He was running to first after he hit it. He decided to slide about halfway to first base. He did a diving slide. What a nut! Cassie had a delicious lasagna dinner ready for us when we got home. My kids are never that lucky!

I read Goodnight, Baseball to the kids before bed. I don't think I have ever read the book before, although I have given it to three of my nieces and nephews.
Stephanie, Trevor, Mallory
Brandon, Collin, John
Tonight I'm sleeping in Mallory's bed. I will have slept in all three beds in the kids room. Cassie wanted to move Mallory's mattress down because she thought it would be better on my back. John and I convinced her I could sleep on the top. The memory foam does seem really comfortable.
John & Stephanie
John defeated me in 5 Straight, then I defeated him in Ticket to Ride. It was a weird Ticket to Ride game. Both of us concentrated on the East coast. I have never done that before. This is what the board looked like when the game was over.
I asked John if he had read Dad's blog. He hadn't. John looked it up and read it. We then talked about mom for a long time. Mostly about the day she died. What we were doing. Nice things people said. Weird things people said. Teachers that were nice to John. Like how John didn't do his big science project and his teacher just told him it was okay. Teachers that were mean. Like how one of Mike's teachers gave Mike a really bad grade and had no sympathy about what he was going through. Didn't matter that he had to spend his after school time getting ready for the funeral, going to the viewing, dealing with hard things that most adults struggle with. Didn't matter at all. Annoying because Mike was a junior in high school and his grades really mattered at that point. Anyways, we talked for a long time again. We went to bed around 1:30 in the morning. Cassie fell asleep on the couch before we started games.

John was telling me about something Stockton had written when he was Mallory's age and how funny it was. John showed it to me and we were laughing so hard. I was crying. It was so funny. I will need to show the kids when I get home.

Oh! That reminds me. John and I were talking about baseball. John wants to eventually go to all the Major League ball parks. He would really like to go to at least one new park a year. I told him we should make a tradition to meet at a new ballpark once a year with the six siblings. How fun would that be!?!

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