Friday, May 12, 2017

Lotts, Lagoon and Storymakers

We left early this morning. I dropped Stockton off at school. He is going on a field trip to Lagoon today. I dropped Maysen off at Sam's house. She is going to the LDS Storymakers conference. I took Jorja and Preston to the dentist. No cavities. Eric, the dentist, and I went to high school together. He was Mike's best friend growing up. We were talking about high school and he asked if I knew that Heather Elkington died. Hahaha! I don't keep in contact with many people from high school, but I do keep in contact with Heather. I started laughing at Eric and told him she was still alive and kicking. He was relieved. I had fun texting Heather today and telling her that I will miss her! She wrote back, "Someone will be so disappointed!" I love Heather.

Stockton posted this picture on Instagram. It made me laugh.
Stockton didn't have the best time at Lagoon. He was hanging out with his friend Acea. Little did Stockton realize that Acea has a girlfriend who was there. Acea also met up with some friends from his old school. A couple. Stockton ended up being the fifth wheel. Not very fun at Lagoon.

Janet and Tracy from Georgia came and had dinner with us today. Well, we knew them in Georgia, but they live in California now. We had a great time. I love being around people where it seems like no time has passed since we last saw each other. Tracy told Jorja there was no way he would recognize her now. Preston looks exactly like Stockton did when we lived in Georgia. Stockton they would have recognized, he is just a lot bigger now. Tracy and Janet are in town for Josh Doan's wedding. I can't believe Josh is getting married! I remember him in primary!
Janet & Stephanie
 Tracy, Janet, Mike, Stephanie
 One with Tracy's eye's open
Tracy would fit in so well here. He loves riding bikes. It seems like everyone around us rides bikes. Tracy is still recovering from a horrible bike accident he had a year ago. Makes me not want to ride a bike.

Stockton and Jorja went to a multi-stake Young Men/Young Women movie night. They plugged the address into Stockton's phone. I told them that was not the right place. They were in a hurry and didn't want to listen to me. They said they would be fine. I went back into the house and told Tracy and Janet that they were going to an activity, but there was no way they were heading to the right place . . . at least they'll have an adventure together. Jorja called us about fifteen minutes later. Mike directed them on the phone where they were supposed to be. The one problem with having so many LDS churches nearby.

Later tonight I was reading the kids some weird things posted on Facebooks and their replies. For some reason I couldn't stop laughing. I was crying. I don't know why I thought it was so funny. Two of my favorites were: The sun has fallen out of orbit and is about to collide with the earth. Your only hope to survive is to take cover in a bomb shelter. There are two shelters left with one space in each; A) Shelter full of Call of Duty players B) Shelter full of Halo players Which shelter do you choose to save your life?

One person had a super long answer; I laughed so hard! This was the answer: ....this is literally the most stupid premise I have ever heard for an apocalypse scenario. First of all, "The sun has fallen out of orbit"? Are we talking about some sort of pre-Galileo cosmic death here? The Earth orbits the Sun, not the other way around. Second of all, I would like to shake the hand of the man that can invent a bomb shelter that can withstand the FREAKING SUN crashing into the Earth.

Third of all. I'm assuming these Call of Duty and/or Halo players are as annoying, vulgar, foul mouthed twelve-year-olds, so I would definitely prefer to stand out in the open with arms outstretched waiting for the Sun to destroy me rather than live out the rest of my days with people like that.

Hahaha! I thought it was so funny. That and the post that said, "I couldn't possibly be happier right now. For the first time in my life, a girl told me that she loves me." The first comment said, "Aren't moms great?" Jorja, Preston and I then spent the next several minutes jumping on beanbags and laughing our heads off. Mike came down towards the end, but he was too tired and didn't last long. Preston decided he wanted to sleep on the beanbag tonight.

Anyways, Maysen got back super late today. It was so nice of Sam to take her! It sounded like she enjoyed her day at the Storymakers conference. She even accidently had to pitch a book to someone. Great experience. She will get to sleep for a few hours before she is back at it again tomorrow. Starting her summer off right!

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