Thursday, May 11, 2017

Stockton's AP Career is Over

Yes! Yes! Yes! Stockton had his last AP test today. AP stats. He is finished! FOREVER! He isn't taking any AP tests next year. This has been a long, hard two weeks for him. I'm glad he is now passed the finish line! Stockton didn't finish until an hour after school was out. He said that when they met to take the test, the other test hadn't finished. I think World History was taking their test this morning. They sent the kids away for about a half hour and told them to come back. Stockton peaked into his theater class, which is where he would have been without the test. The teacher was taking roll. She couldn't see him, but the rest of the class could. When she called Stockton's name answered from behind her. That startled her a bit. Stockton said this test was really easy. Even easier than psychology. How awesome to end on a high note! I took him to get an Arctic Circle milkshake to celebrate. They had awesome Dunford Donut milkshakes awhile ago, but they don't have them anymore. Boo.

Maysen went to a reading conference today. LDS Storymakers. It was up in Provo. Thursday was extra classes. She signed up for magic systems and plot chat. She found the magic systems helpful, but was a little disappointed with plot chat. I dropped Jorja off for her softball game and then went to pick up Maysen from her conference. I was disappointed I missed Jorja's game. Mike said Jorja almost made a diving catch. She was playing catcher when a high foul ball was hit. She ripped off her helmet and dove for the ball. Flat out on her belly. It hit the tip of her mit. DRAT! Mike said it was awesome and everyone cheered for her. On both teams. The other coach then turned to his catcher and said, "Did you see that? That is what I want you to do!" I really wish we would have discovered her love of softball earlier.

I brought up a copy of Maysen's report card when I went to pick her up. She wanted to get Krispy Kreme's for her As. There is a Krispy Kreme in Provo. Well . . . there was. It is being remodeled and is closed. We have no idea where another one is. We looked Krispy Kreme up in the GPS, but it turned out to only be a Maverick gas station. Maysen got one of those vending machine milkshakes instead. We stopped and got Little Caesars on the way home. Stockton asked for that.
Stockton done with AP tests FOREVER!
 Stockton and Preston
Before bed we were all sitting in the computer room and Stockton was talking about the AP Calculus test and how there was a weird question about figuring out the temperature of a potato. Because that is a lot easier than using a thermometer. Anyways, Stockton started showing us AP testing memes. We were laughing so hard. One of my favorites said, "A list of things that went better than the APPhysicsC exam: JFK's 1963 trip to Houston, The Black Plague, The Third Reich, The Berlin Wall." Another said, "For those of you curious about how the ap physics c test went, it feels like getting mugged one autumn day on the New York subway and barely walking away with your life and then seeing your attacker twenty years later in the window of a Starbucks on a date with your mom." I took pictures of a few others. So glad this week is over!

There was an essay question on artifice on Stockton's AP Language exam. I thought this google search was super funny.

Have I mentioned I'm glad that AP testing is over? Next year we will only have one AP test in our house. Jorja with AP Chinese. I'm glad she decided not to take AP Human Geography. Chinese will be enough to deal with!

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