Thursday, June 8, 2017


Mike took the day off work to get things done around the house. He also got the motorhome finally registered. We wanted to find the place where Stockton is going to take his bowling class next week. Bowling is the class Stockton chose for his PE credit at SLCC. They don't have ping pong like Utah State does, so this was his second choice. We dropped Jorja off at softball practice and headed to Taylorsville to find where Stockton's film class will be located. Then we headed to Big City Bowling, which turns out to be the old Junction bowling. Anyways, I had did awful. This is probably the worst I have done since I've been married. I even did better when I was pregnant. What the heck happened? I wish I would have taken a picture of all my splits. Some of them were crazy. One time I had only three pins up. One on each corner. How does that happen? Anyway, Stockton did amazing! His best ever. Then Mike did awesome too. His best ever. I'm glad two out of three had a good game!
Stockton's pretty excited about this class. It will be nice for him to have a fun class during the summer. We picked up food from Moochies and then got Jorja from practice. She is pretty excited because she was named the team captain. I'm not sure if it was this practice or last practice, but recently she was named team captain for her softball team. This will be great for her. She is such a leader. I love watching her and I'm thrilled she has found something she enjoys.

Tonight we are having stay up all night night. Stockton wasn't too excited. Preston is thrilled. Jorja decided to go to bed anyway, but is taking advantage that she can have her phone later than usual. We picked up pizza and breadsticks to leave out on the table. We will see how things play out in the morning.

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