Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Preston's Last Day of 4th Grade

I can not even explain how much I have loved this year for Preston. I have probably loved it as much as I hated the year for Stockton. Well, I didn't hate Stockton's entire year - just physics. Anyways, Preston had the two best teachers in the school this year. Mrs. Chung and Mrs. Mickelsen. I am really going to miss both of them. It would be awesome if Mrs. Chung would move up to high school. I doubt that will happen, but it would be so cool! Preston had Mrs. Chung for 2nd grade as well. He is so lucky! Mrs. Chung taught them science in Chinese. She was always doing super fun things to do it.  For example, the melted chocolate to teach about igneous rock, they smashed chips to learn about weathering and erosion and they dug for fossils in chocolate chip cookies. I'm so sad when I think about not having Mrs. Chung for a teacher again. The Chinese program in the elementary school has been fantastic. Middle school, not so much. I have no idea where Jorja stands on Chinese. I guess we'll find out next year. Preston brought home his report card. It was perfect. He didn't miss a day and he had no tardies. He had the highest marks on everything. Actually through the entire year he had the highest marks. It would be impossible to have a better report card. He also brought home the results of his AAPPL test. The target for Chinese 4th graders is N2-N3 (N=novice). Preston was graded as I1, two levels higher than the target. Nicely done!
Mrs. Chung & Preston
Mrs. Mickelsen was Preston's English teacher. How I love her! The kids respect her and listen to her. She reminds me a lot of Mrs. Latham from Georgia. Just absolutely perfect. Preston gave her a mug he got at Universal Studios this summer and saved for her. I should have taken a picture. It was the 'Things' from Dr. Seuss and said, "Teacher of all Things". He knew he would be having Mrs. Mickelsen when we were there and picked out the mug with her in mind. (Mrs. Chung loved the puzzle Preston made for her.)
Mrs. Mickelsen & Preston
Preston had a half day of school. I was at diving with Stockton when he came home. The school year is officially over! We have four days until summer school starts. I'm looking forward to these next four days!

Mike tried to build a deer fence around Maysen's tree. I was a bit confused because it seemed they could get to the tree pretty easily. Anyways, looks like the deer started focusing on the top now. They bent the branches until it was hooked by the fence. I freed the branch after I took this picture. I'm not sure if Maysen's cute little tree will survive these deer.
We let Preston choose what he wanted for dinner. All he would tell us is he wanted smores pizza. Mike came up with this creation. He also made homemade spaghetti. Apparently Preston no longer likes spaghetti or garlic bread. Who knew?
Jorja had some friends come over. Isaac, Shafer, Drew and Evan I think. I'll have to ask Jorja. They played in the batting cage, tree house and hide and seek. Jorja had a blast. These boys have been so good to her. It's nice to see her making friends again. After a couple of hours one of the mom's called to let the boys know she was on their way to pick them up. They had her on speaker phone. They asked why she was coming so early. She said they had spent all day yesterday with girls and didn't need to spend all day today with girls. One of the boys said something like, "Only Shafer is hanging out with a girl, we are just hanging out with Jorja!" Haha! That made me laugh.

We finished the day playing Masterpiece. Both Mike and I played this game with our families growing up, although Mike said he played it mostly by himself. I have no idea how it would be possible to play that game alone. Maysen ended up winning. Stockton ended up with one painting and it was a forgery. He decided paintings were dumb and ended up just focusing on money.

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