Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Flag Day

Our family was assigned to put up flags for Flag Day. I really like how they are doing the flags this year. Instead of asking for volunteers before each day, they assigned the flags for the entire summer. We were assigned the 4th of July, but were able to trade for today. Only the boys were able to help because the girls had to leave to school/conference too early. The boys were assigned our street. Mike and Stockton put in the flags and Preston drove the golf cart. Preston was over the moon about that!
 Preston & Stockton
 Some of their work
After I dropped Maysen off at her conference, I hurried down to my dad's house so I could give him our crockpot. Mike accidentally broke my dad's crockpot at Lagoon. Our crockpot is very similar, so hopefully he will be okay with that. My dad was excited about books he got from the yard sale awhile ago. He said that John would have gone nuts! He sent me home with a lot of books to borrow. My dad also showed me this book he got from my grandma's house.
There were a couple of things about our ancestors in there, including my great-great-grandfather's death. This had more information than the newspaper article I found awhile ago. Turns out there was a bit of a history between my grandfather and John Bryner.
We aren't sure who made the note at the bottom of this page. Apparently my great-grandma Olive Branch Millburn was the one who really wanted the indoor toilet. Grandpa said his dad was strongly opposed to it. "No one is going to @#$% in my house!" Turns out Grandpa was the first to use the toilet and then became a huge fan. That is what my dad told me anyway.
I spent a little too long at my dad's house and had to hurry and get the boys ready to go to diving. We were late because I needed to stop by the store for sunscreen on the way. I thought we had some...whops. The boys got to dive on the platforms today. Well Stockton did. Preston just stayed on the 1 meter. He finished a little earlier than Stockton but didn't want to jump off the platforms. He said the water was too cold!
Stockton on 7, Preston's head by the edge of the pool
The end of Stockton's dive
Stockton on 7
 I wish I would have snapped this picture a half second later when he was completely straight!
 Preston's dive off 1
 Stockton on 5 ~ he says inwards are so freaky on platforms
Stockton's inwards
These platforms aren't very sturdy. If the wind blows at all the divers can feel the platforms moving. I love watching them on platforms. Platforms are not Stockton's favorite though. His hands start to hurt going into the water from that high. I think he liked them a lot more when he was diving with Josh, Gavin and Gage. They had fun on them!

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