Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Marshmallow Mustaches

Maysen and Jorja both left early to their writing conference and summer school. Jorja seemed to have fun again. They still played basketball. She enjoyed the 3 on 3 they played yesterday more than the full court game they played today. Stockton had his first bowling class and seemed to enjoy it. They just bowled three games. His instructor wasn't even there.

Jorja invited friends over. Only Isaac was able to come. He ran from his house, which he said took just under 15 minutes. They cooked some egg creation while they waited for Drew, although while they were cooking they found out Drew couldn't come. Ebony came over and they played volleyball in the back yard until she had to leave. Then Stockton hung out with them until it was time for Isaac to go to his softball game. I found this cool marshmallow and had fun trying to make mustaches with it. This is what I was doing while Stockton and Isaac were playing pingpong.
Isaac is pretty good at pingpong. Stockton and Isaac had both won one game. Stockton ended up winning the 3rd. I played Isaac after Stockton. We only played to 11 because Isaac needed to go. I lost 11-3. At least I was on the board.
I guess I should have gotten a picture of Isaac for this post, but I did not. It's like I'm always super focused on my own kids. Welp, they will just have to deal with it. Jorja did not have young womens tonight because of girls camp later this week. She walked with Isaac to his softball game that was being played on the church softball field by our house. She didn't stay long. Stockton played ultimate frisbee for young mens. Now that's a wrap of Tuesday.

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