Monday, June 12, 2017

Summer School Begins

Wow! If this is what summer is going to be like, we are in for a crazy ride! Mike dropped Jorja off at Mount Jordan Middle School where Jorja is taking two classes. She has computers for several hours, a 45 minute break, then PE for several hours. She was really worried about PE. She has never had it. She never had to have it in middle school because she was in the Chinese program. They let the Chinese kids opt out so they could have an elective, like orchestra. Jorja did not want to take PE in high school if she could get away with it, so she is doing it this summer.

Maysen has a weeklong writing conference at Waterford. It is called WIFYR which stands for Writing and Illustrating for Young Readers. She went to this conference several years ago and loved it. She had a great time today, so hopefully she will have a wonderful week.

Stockton had diving today ~ Back 1 1/2 off 3
I took Stockton straight from diving to his summer school at Salt Lake Community College. He has a film/diversity class from 2:00-9:30 at night. 7 1/2 hours. Wow. I'm a little worried about this class, not knowing what movies he is going to be required to watch. Also, with this being a diversity class . . . you never know. Stockton seemed to enjoy the class tonight and said the films he saw today were pretty tame. Well, the first one was. I think it was called Temple Grandin. The second movie was a police brutality documentary. The language and violence in that one were pretty high. It's what you would expect with the subject matter though. Stockton now has to do two write-ups on the films he watched.
Stockton walking to his first class on the SLCC campus
I picked up Jorja from her summer school and was thrilled to find out she had the best time. She absolutely loved pe, even though her teacher is the scariest person she has ever met. She played basketball and had a great time. She said she wishes I would have put her in a lot of different sports when she was younger so she would know how to play. I tried to get the kids in sports. No one cared about it but me. Jorja did say later that she probably wouldn't have liked it if I put her in when she was really shy. I'm glad she is enjoying it now.
Jorja on the way home from summer school
I picked up Maysen from her conference and then took Jorja to her softball practice. I stayed for awhile to hear information about the new league they are joining. Once Jorja was home and Mike got Stockton home from his film class, we headed over to Lisa and Nathan's house. They are moving tomorrow to California. Boo! I got a few pictures, but didn't get one of Nathan, even though it was his birthday!
Lisa & Mike
 Stephanie & Taylor
It was sad leaving their house. We are going to miss living so close to family. Yes, we have other family near by. It's still sad. I hope they love California.

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