Saturday, July 29, 2017

Baptisms and Weddings

Mike and I went to a baptism today. Harry Waddoups wife was baptized. It was beautiful. Harry and Anna teach my old primary class. They invited them to the baptism. What a cool thing for them to experience. The missionaries came over to our house after the baptism. I think one of them had a migraine. They told Mike they liked being at our house. Mike said, "Really? No one chooses us." Or something more witty to that effect. They did their companion study over here.

Mike and I left to Idaho today. We towed the lawnmower that was just fixed. We went straight to Taylor's wedding. They had it in his parent's backyard. It was beautiful and the treats were delicious. We were waiting in line and Jason & Emily came up behind us, with David & Mandy and John & Renee. That was fun! We sat at a table with David & Mandy and their kids. Tyler came and chatted with us too. I went inside and hung out with Tammi for a bit before we left.

Mike and I went to the cabin and got there about 10:00. The heating element on the water heater had broken and the fuse had blown. Luckily Mike had bought extra supplies to fix it when that happened. Brad and his youth group took down a broken tree that badly needed to be taken care of. The view out of the window is so much better! I'm so thankful for them for doing that.

It was weird being at the cabin just the two of us. I'm not sure that has ever happened before. It was very peaceful. Wish we could have stayed just a bit longer.

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