Friday, July 28, 2017


I took Jorja to the orthodontist today. Her teeth look so beautiful. Her orthodontist wants her to wear her retainer for at least six more months. She also has a permanent retainer on her top and bottom teeth. I asked Dr. Watson if the night retainer was a new thing he was doing or if Jorja's teeth were different from Maysen's and Stockton's. He said that it was a new thing. Hopefully Maysen's and Stockton's teeth don't move.

Jorja and I went shopping after her appointment. First we stopped at Jamba Juice for breakfast. Jorja got an acai bowl and I got oatmeal. Then we grabbed a few shirts at DownEast. The lady ringing me up said one of the shirts wasn't on sale. I told her that was not what the people in the back had said. She said, "Okay, I'll give you the sale price then, but I haven't been giving it to anyone else." I did ask about that shirt, so I was good with that. Jorja and I then went to Dick's Sporting Goods and got her a new catchers bag. It's a little smaller than the one she has now, but at least it doesn't have a giant hole in it and it has two working wheels. Jorja likes it a lot.

The missionaries came over this afternoon. They were stressed out of their minds. They haven't been able to find a key to the closet with the baptism clothes. We called everyone we could think of. Just got answering machines everywhere. On the last person they were going to try we got someone to answer. They knew where the clothes were and had a key! She agreed to drop it off at my house because the missionaries had to leave for another appointment. 

After I got possession of the key, I went down to Matt and Sam's. Sam helped me make a program for Anna's baptism. And by help, I mean she did the entire thing. It turned out great though. We could have done a better job if we had the information earlier. Because it was so late, I told Sam I only wanted it black and white. I got home a little before ten. Mike is going to print them out at the stake center while he fills up the font.

While I was gone, the missionaries came and so did Melissa. Melissa is borrowing our dinner train for Leo's birthday party. I got to bed after midnight today. It was a long day.

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