Sunday, July 2, 2017

Breakfast Bread

Matt and Sam were in charge of breakfast today. Sam made bread last night. This morning she had all the breads set out with little labels. The choices were: Dutch Apple, Cinnamon Twist, Peach Cobbler, Banana Bread, Pumpkin Bread, Lemon Yogurt, Poppy Seed, Peanut Butter Oreo. Talk about an overachiever! The breads were delicious as well, and all of them were Anne safe.
Brett's family, Matt's family and my family all headed down to Swan Valley to go to 10:00 church. Sharon's ward now meets in a schoolhouse. Their building burned down awhile ago. There were chairs sitting in the gymnasium. We didn't see Steve or Sharon there though. It was fast and testimony meeting. One guy gave a testimony about bugs on his windshield. He talked about how bugs were hitting the windshield and he thought nothing of it. He talked about driving in relative comfort when all of a sudden he went around a turn and the sun hit his windshield in such a way that all of the bugs lit up and he couldn't see anything except a small strip of white line he could barely make out of the corner of the windshield. He had gone straight into a place of non excitement into peril in a matter of seconds. He then talked about how all this could have been alleviated if he had done proper maintenance. Like made sure he had washer fluid in his windshield wipers or washed his windshield at the gas stations. He related the bugs to sin and the washing of the windshield to things like praying, reading scriptures. Little things that you don't think anything of, but add up day to day. Anyways, I liked this analogy. My brothers were joking about how it is the modern day analogy of the flaxen cord. I also saw a guy come into church wearing a t-shirt that said, "Ah...the power of cheese!"

I forgot that yesterday while we were driving up to the cabin, Stockton texted me this picture. Of course I didn't read it, but Maysen described it to me. Gotta love Calvin & Hobbes!
Ella, Marie, Mina, Rachel
We had a foosball tournament today. Brett won the entire thing. I had to play Brett first off and didn't do well. Stockton came in 2nd place. Matt 3rd.
Maysen's hair, Matt, Grace, Brett, Marie
(Matt is playing Marie in the first round)
 Matt and Maysen
Jorja had brought a bag of mini kitkats to EFY with her. She didn't eat most of them, so we brought them up to the cabin. The car was so hot on the way up all the kitkats melted together. Jorja put them in the freezer when we got here. Now it is just one giant kitkat blob.
Maysen played pirates with Brett and Matt. Mike slept most of the day, still filled with Benadryl. His eye was super puffy this morning, but it is pretty much back to normal now. Anyways, Maysen won the game. First, Brett's ship was sunk by a merchant, Maysen rolling as the merchant. Brett's hand was practically filled with schooners, he just couldn't get enough money to buy one. He was hoping by attacking a merchant with his giant sloop he would dominate. Not the case as Maysen did an awesome merchant roll. Shortly after Brett was kicked out of the game, Maysen attacked Matt and sunk him as well. Nicely done Maysen, your father will be proud.
Brett's sloop
 Brett was white dice, Maysen rolled for the merchant with the black dice
Stockton spent most of the evening "working" on his essay paper for film that is due tomorrow. He had no desire to write it because it was such a boring topic. He paced a lot and then sat in the infamous cabin chair that always tips. It was so funny watching him go down.

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