Monday, July 3, 2017

Cabin Flowers

Mike and Stockton left for Utah early this morning. Stockton needed to go to his film class. He had to take a midterm. They got there in time, so I was happy about that. Mike also texted me a lot of pictures he took from Saturday. I didn't take many pictures today, so I thought this would be a great spot to put them. Mike had asked the kids to pick wildflowers before they got mowed down. I think they loved it.
 Mina & Brett
 Brett & Mina
 Mina, Brett, Marie
 Matt & Anne
I went on a walk with Rachel and played frisbee golf with Brett, Matt and my dad. I'm not very good at frisbee golf. I did take this next picture today. Marie found this hole. My brothers were talking about how they have never seen it before. I'm worried it is the septic tank. It looks like the lid is missing. What the heck? I'm worried about it because when we bought the cabin we were told it would probably be years before the septic tank would need to be dealt with. Mike's house growing up was on a septic tank. It is super expensive to fix/replace. I just hope the lid is missing and we just need to cover it. I'm anxious for Mike to see it. I sure hope we don't have to come up with $10,000 right now. Not a good time.
After that gross picture, here is a picture Bubs texted me that he took today. This is on the way home from the Springs. Beautiful.
It was also Trevor's birthday and Rachel sent them a video message of us (her kids, Jorja and I) saying happy birthday. We had a super fun foosball tournament today. We played a doubles tournament. We had an adult matched up with a kid. Preston was on my team. We lost the first game to Brett and Abby. We went through the bottom bracket and ended up playing Brett and Abby again and were victorious. That sent us to the championship. We played Bubs and Max. We won the first game 10-9. So fun! We played the next game and lost 10-1. Whoops. It was really fun though.

Jorja hopefully is coming out of her post efy funk. Rachel took her to the store, and I think the change of scenery helped. I took her to the store later to get milk. We talked in the car for awhile, so that was good. Jorja ended up face timing Isaac and Evan. That made her super happy.

Mike called and I talked to him for a bit. Stockton's midterm ended up being pretty easy. Someone in the class asked if it could be open book and the teacher was good with that. The joys of college. Mike took Stockton bowling after. They had to buy socks and it looks like Stockton is the proud new owner of pretzel socks.
Stockton's feet
 Stockton won both games
 Then they came home and played punch out on the arcade Mike made
Mike and Stockton are going to meet us tomorrow at Terry and Debie's house. I'm glad Stockton is able to spend so much time up here and still meet his summer school responsibilities. It's nice that his bowling class is cancelled tomorrow because of the 4th.

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