Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Idaho Falls Fireworks

I have been procrastinating writing this entry because I have so many pictures! Now I have dug myself into a hole and am now a week behind. Anyways, we started today up at the cabin. I bought a little kid toy at the store. Jeff liked watching his dad play it.
Matt, Abby and Jeff
 Matt & Jeff
Terry and Debie had a barbecue at their house. Mike and Stockton got there first. They came from Utah. It was fun to see some cousins. I didn't get to talk to many, but I saw Terry, Tammi, Jordyn, Courtney, Jason, Steve, Sharon and Renee. There were lots of people there. Terry and Debie set up a slip and slide. The kids had a great time. Preston had the bright idea to play a mini game with the kids as the bowling pins. They had so much fun doing that. Marie kept getting pummeled, but she took it like a champ.
Maysen & Anne, Grace
 Abby & Marie
 Grace, Abby, Lincoln, Max, Preston holding hands getting ready to slide
 Grace loved the slide
 Matt & Jeff
 Maysen & Anne
 Abby, Ella, Lincoln
Marie, Mina, Preston
Mina, Preston, Abby
Ella, Lincoln
Jeff, Matt, Greg
We hung out at Terry and Debie's for a long time. Debie had to leave and we were still there when she came back. She was surprised and said, "You are still here?" I told her we had no where to go. I did get to talk to Missy for a bit. Missy lives in Texas now and I haven't seen her for a long time. My kids found the playroom upstairs and had fun making a lego Mario Party board. Preston won.
Stockton, Mike, Jorja, Maysen, Preston
Jorja dancing
I have wanted to see the Idaho Falls fireworks show (put on by Melaleuca) for a long time. Everyone would say how amazing they were. First we stopped by Walmart and got some food and games to bring there. We followed Matt and Sam and drove and drove on fields for the parking. All I could think of was, "We are never getting out of here." We laid out our blankets near Sam's family. I was surprised. I thought everyone would stay at Terry and Debie's until it was time to go to the fireworks and we would all sit together. Oh well. I'm sure Sam loved sitting by her family and it was nice of them to save a space for us. We played a Brain Games board game while we waited. The fireworks were really pretty, and we had a great view.
We tried to hurry out as soon as we could. Mike took Maysen, Jorja and Preston in the jeep. My dad took me, Stockton and Max. We were able to pull out of our spot and drive about 20 feet. Then we were stuck there for two hours. It took us two hours to get out of the parking lot. Brett and Rachel watched from the other side of the river and were able to get all the way back to the cabin (about an hour and a half away) before we were even out of the parking lot. I was glad I was riding with my dad. I wanted to make sure he stayed awake. We got back to the cabin about two in the morning. Bubs and Ange left the fireworks and went home to Utah. Bubs said it took them over an hour to get out of the parking lot. Then about ten miles down I-15 they got a flat. They had to drive home slow on a spare the rest of the way. They got home about 5:30 in the morning. That sounds awful.

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