Monday, July 17, 2017

Brett's Here

I woke up Lincoln early to get him ready for scout camp. His scout leader came all the way out here to pick him up. That was awesome. He came to my house with a separate back pack packed with all the stuff for scout camp. Again, awesome. I loved how I didn't need to figure out what he would need. Lincoln came home super happy. He had a great time.

Stockton had diving today. I left Maysen and Jorja in charge. I dropped Stockton off at SLCC for his film class before coming home. When I arrived Maysen and Jorja were just cleaning up the kitchen. They had made the kids macaroni for lunch, then helped them make sugar cookies. There were three plates of frosted sugar cookies on the counter. Maysen said it was great because it kept them entertained for about three hours.

Matt came over with his kids. Anne had fun playing with Amelia. We were waiting for Brett to come. We knew it would be around dinner. It kept being pushed back. He was coming from Boise and it took him longer to leave than he thought. I was keeping the kids up so they could see Marie when she got here. Finally I decided to get them to bed. Except I had to leave to get Stockton. Mike is on call and was dealing with a crisis. I asked Ella if she could get Millie in jammies. It took me a long time to figure out where to pick up Stockton. They went to a movie theater for part of class. Stockton thought they would come back to their class, but the kid he got a ride with didn't want to drive back there. He brought Stockton to his apartment. The address Stockton texted me was not in the gps. It is a pretty new place. I had Mike on the phone directing me where to go. It ended up being by the Quarry Bend Walmart.

Jorja had softball practice today. Right as I was going to take her it started pouring rain. She called her friend who was already at practice and was told they were going to wait it out. I texted her coach and asked if she could text me when they were starting. I told her I had too many kids here that I couldn't wait in a car for an undetermined time. The coach had her phone in the car, so she never received that text until it was too late. It stopped raining after awhile and I tried to convince Jorja to go. She didn't want to. I was so confused because she loves softball. I had Mike come down to her room to talk to her with me. While we were talking to her she had a panic attack. It was weird. She started hyperventilating. In between gasps she got out the words, "I . . . don't . . . know . . . what's . . . happening . . . " I was so glad Mike was there. He was able to get her calmed down, but it was super scary. This isn't her first panic attack and I'm not sure what is going on here. I don't know if it is a medical thing, like low blood sugar, or if it is an emotional thing. I have no idea what to do to prevent future panic attacks. I hope they don't come back.

My kids slept out in the motorhome tonight, they will sleep there all week. We have Bubs kids in the boys' room. Brett brought Marie and Grace with him. They are in the girls' room. Rachel is staying with a friend in Bountiful with Mina and Eve.

I'm pretty sure Matt, Brett and I played Dominion. I probably won. I need to stop getting behind on my blog!

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