Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Three Triples

I got Lincoln ready for scout camp early this morning. He is sleeping over tonight. I didn't sleep well last night. I kept waking up every half hour worried that I missed waking up Lincoln. One time I bolted upright remembering things I took out of his scout bag yesterday that he didn't need, but he would need today. I was so tired after he left.

Matt brought his kids up and we played with Brett. We managed to get a few games of Dominion in despite all the chaos going around us. Jorja went to see Spiderman with a few of her friends. Isaac, Evan, Drew and Alison. Evan's mom drove them both ways. She also got them In-N-Out on the way home. Jorja was pretty happy about that.

Stockton had bowling today. He has been loving that class. Brett left and took Marie and Grace up to Bountiful to go to a barbecue with Rachel's cousins. Grace, Amelia and Anne have had a blast together. Jorja had softball and Ella had dance. That was crazy. I dropped Jorja off at softball at 6:30, drove straight to Taylorsville and dropped Ella off. I came home and ate dinner, then went back to pick up Ella. When I came home for dinner I realized I needed to pick up Jorja and Ella at the same time. Mike was at a late meeting. Stockton was at young mens. Matt ended up picking her up at Buttercup. Jorja had no idea Matt was coming and it freaked her out a bit until she realized who it was. Wow. I'm so tired.

Stockton had a great time at young mens. It was a combined activity at the pool. He was frustrated at first, because people were just talking in the wading pool. Stockton tried to get people to come on the diving board with him, but he got no takers. He started diving for awhile by himself. He said he started to feel like he was showing off. Luckily Zach Zufelt, one of the leaders, got someone to hold his baby Mona. He came into the pool and started diving with Stockton. Soon some of the other leaders started diving with him too. Seth Bradley, Burke Staker and Nate Sharp. Stockton tried to teach them how to do the hurdle that the divers use now. They couldn't figure it out and decided they would just prance to the end of the board. That would have been a sight to see. Later the Maxfield's came. Mike Maxfield was a diver in high school, so that was fun. His boys, Landon and Teegan, were also diving. Stockton ended up having a lot of fun. I'm so glad Zach got in because Stockton said he was close to leaving. Instead he had a great time. He was even encouraged to try a triple. The first one he tried he landed on his back a bit, but he still landed it. He did two more after that. I wish I could have seen it! I would have loved seeing him try that for the first time.

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