Monday, July 31, 2017

Eve's Birthday Drive

Rachel, her girls and I left my house a little after 7:00. Grace and Eve fell back asleep, so that was nice. Around lunchtime we stopped at McDonalds and got pancakes and oatmeal. Rachel was hoping to stop at Arches really quick, but we ran out of time. Well, we could have done it if we wanted to get to Mike's house in New Mexico around midnight. We did stop at Wilson's Arch and took a quick hike up there. The weather was perfect, so it was a nice little stop.
Wilson's Arch
 Mina, Marie, Eve, Grace
 With Rachel
 With Stephanie
I hiked up with Eve. We went a less-steep way. We were able to get to the top first. Of course, I it freaked me out watching the girls up there. I'm not good with heights. Unless it's a rollercoaster, then I love it. Or behind a wall, like on the eiffel tower. Anyways, after a bit I took Eve and headed down. I couldn't watch the crazy girls. They weren't being out of control, I just get super nervous.
Eve & Marie
 Mina, Rachel, Grace
 Rachel and Mina
 Marie, Mina, Eve, Grace
 With Rachel
 With Stephanie
We finally made it to Mike's house around 9:30 at night. Mike and I were walking around his awesome yard when we found a scorpion. It was huge! Mike caught it in a jar.
The kids were all asleep, but I had a great time talking to Mike and Christen. Rachel got the girls all settled then came and chatted with us. I ended up laughing with Mike and Christen until about 1:00 in the morning. Rachel didn't make it that late. I snuck into Blake's room and slept in the extra bed there. It was great.

Stockton gave his final presentation for his film class today and also took his final. He told Mike it went well and was pretty easy. He is now finished with his first summer class! One more week for him and he gets to start summer!

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