Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Mike's House

Today was so much fun! We just stayed at Mike's house and played. We played in the playroom, swam, rode scooters, played wiffleball (well, I just watched), jumped on the tramp, played in the batting cage. I wish we lived closer. Especially for Jorja. I would love to have Mike help Jorja with her softball. Mike has this cool window wall. It can retract and just be open. It's pretty awesome.
Rachel, Grace, Parker and Mike in front of the window wall
 Grace & Parker
 Mike solving all the kids problems
Grace, Mike, Parker & Blake (Marie and Rachel)
Mike, Larkin, Blake and I walked up the street to their mailbox. Mike ordered 24 softballs. They arrived today. Jorja would be so jealous!
Mike and Christen brought back pizza for dinner. I stayed up late and talked to Mike and Christen again. Soon Mike fell asleep. After awhile, Christen noticed that Grace had snuck out of her room and was cuddling with Mike. We stayed up until a little after 1:00 in the morning. Grace was just happy hanging out on the couch. Once we turned off the tv (Moana was on), she went straight to bed. Christen laughed and said, "I had no idea how easy that would be!"
Mike and Grace
Maysen and I talked for a bit on the phone today. We are reading Gone With the Wind together. We read one chapter a day and then talk about it. Marie said, "Like book club!" Yep. I have loved it. Maysen helped Preston get ready for a party. Brian's mom came and picked him up. I hope he had a great time. I think Mike went bowling with Stockton after Stockton's bowling class. Stockton needed to bowl two hours to make up for missing bowling for youth conference. Stockton is so close! He texted me asking me for his SLCC number so he could sign up for his biology final. Too bad I didn't notice the message until close to midnight. Whoops.

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