Monday, August 14, 2017


Stockton has always wanted a grey or black locker. Most of the lockers are red, with just a couple grey or black lockers on each hall. I decided to run to the school to get some maps. Also, I was hoping to ask the counselors a question. Anyways, while I was there I decided to find the kids lockers. 
Stockton got red again. His locker is across from the library near the chemistry room.
Jorja got a grey locker. Her locker is in the main area, right next to the theater classroom.
I sent these pictures to the kids. Stockton texted back, "4 reds and Jorja gets a silver first try. Life if fair." Haha! That is okay, because I had some great news for Stockton.

One diving day in June I was talking to a mom I had never talked to before. Not because I'm not friendly, just because it is usually her husband who would bring their daughter to diving. Her daughter is in lessons with Preston. I haven't even seen her the rest of the summer, so this was our one and only conversation. She is a school teacher and works with special ed kids. I mentioned how upset I was with Stockton's physics teacher. How he had ruined Stockton's 4.0. I wouldn't be as upset if I thought he had given Stockton a fair chance, but it was just impossible to get an A that first quarter. Stockton did manage to get As the rest, but he has that one B in the middle of all his As. Anyways, she mentioned that there was a new law that was just passed where you could retake a class and it would change the grade. She said it used to be that way if you failed a class, but someone was arguing that that was favoring people to fail. What if you got a lower grade then you liked, why couldn't that person be given the same consideration? Anyways, this conversation has been in the back of my mind for awhile. It is one of the reasons I went down to the school to ask for a map. I felt really silly, because it seemed so weird. I said a prayer asking that I be led to the right people that would help me, and that I would know what to say. I didn't even know exactly what I was asking for, so I was quite nervous. I just knew I wanted to leave no stone unturned to help Stockton.

I saw Stockton's old counselor. (The names have changed this year and she lost all the Smith's.) I asked her about it. She said that I was right. There was a new law, but she didn't know much about it because it was so new. She told me Stockton's new counselor would probably know what to do. I asked a receptionist lady if I could schedule an appointment with her. She said her next appointment was in September! Yikes! That would be too late! I explained what I wanted to talk about. She took me to the registers office to see if they knew. The lady there was awesome. She said that it was a new law. She called up someone to get clarification on it. After she asked a lot of questions, this is what it boiled down to. Stockton can retake physics online and they will put the highest grade on his transcript. He can get his 4.0 back. They don't offer AP physics, but they said that didn't matter. I couldn't believe it. It is also awesome that the quarter he needs to retake is the first quarter. It would be harder to step into the middle of something. The lady had a paper for me to fill out and I needed Stockton to sign it. I brought it back later that day. She was surprised. I told her that I didn't want her to change her mind and that we would be singing her praises at our house today. Yay! Yay! Yay!

I feel like this was an answer to my prayers. I remember praying for a miracle so Stockton could get his 4.0 back. At the time, I thought the only way would be for him to get a 5 on his AP Physics with Calculus test. I knew that would be a huge miracle because we thought it would be a miracle if he just passed it. I remember saying that no matter what happened, my faith wouldn't be shaken; but if this didn't matter to some grand plan, could we just have this miracle? It wasn't like I was asking for my mom to stay alive, although I did pray and fast for that a lot. That must have been some annoying grand plan kind of thing. I felt like this wouldn't matter to anyone but would be a big deal to us. Instead of Stockton getting a 5, he got a 3. We were still happy with that, because that was a miracle too. I don't know how long Heavenly Father had this in the works to come right at the time I was asking for a miracle, but I'm just going to take it as a small nod that Heavenly Father is aware of me. He's aware of Stockton. He knows how hard Stockton has worked and this is a way he could help him. I know this will benefit other people too, but the timing was just too perfect for me. We are so blessed!

Okay, other things that happened today. Natalie and Evan came over to work on their Chinese packet with Jorja. They worked most of the day. They didn't get it finished, but most of it is done. Hallelujah! I brought back Stockton's biology book to Kristen across the street and got to talk to her for awhile. I miss her! She has been attending the singles ward for awhile now. She likes it though, so that's good. I talked to her until it was time to go pick up Jorja from softball practice. Wow. Today was a great day!

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