Sunday, August 13, 2017

Random Things

We cleaned up the cabin and went to a random church along the way. We stopped at an 11:00 service at a church building we had been to before. After we sat down, I looked at the program. We were in a singles ward. Haha! Stockton was laughing so hard. The talks were great. Especially the first one. She was funny. Her topic was something based on getting stronger though trials. She said she started looking through the scriptures for examples and then realized that was nuts. Everyone fit that example because "if you are cool enough to be in the scriptures you have had some crazy trials". Then she started naming a lot of examples: Ester, Ruth, Nephi, Moroni . . . "Take Joseph Smith for example. If you take the part about him restoring the gospel out of the equation. (Granted that was a significant part.) But if you look at the other parts of his life, his life really sucked. He was poor, his children kept dying, he was betrayed and persecuted. Not a lot of fun." She talked about how any kind of growing, physical or spiritual required pain. She had asked about remembering when you were little and your bones hurt so bad because they were growing that you lived on ibuprofen. That made me laugh. Must be a tall people thing.

Anyways, the second speaker was okay, just not as engaging. The last speaker was the first speakers brother. He did great as well. He told missionary stories. One was about a family they were teaching. They were doing all the right things and he felt sure they would be baptized. The man asked him one time why he couldn't get an answer if the Book of Mormon was true. He was praying and praying. This young missionary said a super speedy prayer and the words just came to him. He asked him if he got the answer the scriptures were true would he be willing to get married (he was living with his girlfriend), stop drinking beer, pay his tithing and probably a few other things I can't remember now. The man thought about it and said, "No, I don't want to do any of those things." Well, that is why he wasn't getting an answer. I thought that was interesting. I loved that concept.

Anyways, we got home around 4:00. I got my family to watch another episode of Dr. Who. I know they hate it, but I still like watching it with them. We also watched Wait Until Dark with Audrey Hepburn. Maysen had wanted to watch that with the family a long time ago. She studied it in her film class. About the use of sound I think. Anyways, that was fun.

Some random things I wanted to remember. When I was at church with Brett and Rachel, we were peaking in Mina's primary class. She was whispering to some of the girls. One of them she whispered, "Will you be my friend?" Oh my gosh. I LOVE that girl! How sweet can she be? --Stockton and Preston both forgot their swimsuits for this trip. They knew we were going boating, but because neither Mike or I specifically said to bring their swimsuits they forgot them. Maysen and Jorja both packed theirs with the same instructions. Stockton was funny, he said, "Thanks mom for destroying 17 years of trust." or something like that. It was funny. Luckily both Stockton and Preston had basketball shorts and they worked just fine. It would have been worse if one of the girls had forgotten theirs. --I know there was other random things I wanted to write about, but I can't remember any of them now. My memory sure is annoying!

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