Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Arrow of Light

Today was the last day of parent teacher conferences at the high school. I managed to see everyone except Mrs. Struiksma. Both Stockton and Jorja are doing really well. The foods teacher had no idea they are related. Jorja is really liking foods. She asked me if she would be able to switch her schedule to get her into foods 2 next semester. I hope a spot will open for her. It would be easy to switch, she has digital photography the period foods 2 is offered. Jorja also asked if I could get her out of theater. She hates it. I asked, but if she dropped the class now it would be an automatic F. Welp, she will need to stick it out at least until the end of the quarter. When I was waiting to talk to Jorja's seminary teacher I ran into an old high school friend. Her name was Rachelle Bodell. Mike knew her better than I did. It was fun to chat with her. Jorja's seminary teacher is a woman. She is going to have a baby soon. I asked her if she was allowed to teach once her baby was born. She is. That surprised me. It hasn't always been the case. She told me that they just recently changed the policy. Nice!

I took a quick picture of Jorja's picture hanging up in the school.
I went straight to the church from the school. Stockton was at Young Mens and Jorja was at softball practice. Preston received his Arrow of Light today. They told us to send him to 11 year old scouts next week. My last pack meeting ever. Well, except next month is the pinewood derby and Preston is still invited to participate in that. Mike and Preston are excited they can still do it.
 Judy with the boys
 Judy and Preston
The guy that does the Arrow of Light ceremony always lights the boys neckerchiefs on fire. He asks each of the boys if they did their best while working on the Arrow of Light. He says only the boys that are honest will have their neckerchief light on fire and not burn up. The boys think this is so cool. I wonder how he gets away with a live flame in a church building.
Preston crossing the bridge
Mike had to do it too because he is an eagle scout
Eight boys got their Arrow of Light today. There are three wards combined together now. I don't know the names of some of the boys. I'll have to ask Preston. Hopefully he knows.
Matthew, ?, ?, ?, Preston, Brian, Braxton, ?
Mike high tailed it out of there as soon as he crossed the bridge. They did the ceremony two different times, four boys each. Preston was the last boy on the last ceremony. Mike was late getting Jorja from softball practice. Thank goodness for cell phones. Jorja had a hard day today. She was really sad when she came home from school. She was able to pull it together and was happy at softball, but then got really sad when she was home. Some texts came in that really upset her. I was holding her on a beanbag while the texts were coming in. She was bawling. One made her really upset she started having a panic attack. I hate it when she has those. I feel so powerless. I was already holding her, so I just squeezed tighter and forcefully said, "Jorja, stop! Jorja, stop! Jorja, stop!" She was able to slow her breathing down before it got out of control. I was so thankful. Sometimes it is really hard to be fourteen.

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