Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Hike and Lunch

Today was a fun day. I went to Gavin's mom's house this morning for a workout. His mom got really into aerials awhile ago. They moved so they could have their own aerial silks in their house. She has it in their front room. I have never seen anyone get so completely involved in a hobby so quickly. Pretty funny. I went to a core, flexibility class she was teaching at her house. I am not flexible at all, but it was still fun.

I hurried to Kneaders and bought some loafs of bread. I decided I wanted to leave a plate of goodies at our neighbors house. I left a note that said, "To Whitney and Elizabeth Love Mike and Stephanie Smith and family." I think just by acknowledging the name Whitney would mean a lot to them.

We had a relief society hike and lunch at the park. I hiked with Jacqui to the bridge. We were the only ones that made it there. I loved walking with her. It is nice to hear about Ashley and Olivia, it really helps me to understand Jorja better. The lunch was amazing. I have never eaten so much for lunch. I talked with Annalise Xiao and Laura Longhurst. Annalise served her mission in Australia and Laura goes there all the time. They were telling me things that I should do when I'm there. All I remember now is the Night Market and something about bridges. Yep, my memory is awesome.

Jorja had softball practice and a better day today, so that's a win. Stockton went to bowling. It was at a different alley. He texted me that his phone was almost out of batteries and he wasn't sure exactly the way home. I told him to just drive to the mountains until something was familiar. I love the mountains in Utah. Jorja commented that the mountains didn't look different to her. What? That's weird.

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