Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Campaign is Over

I dropped Stockton and Jorja off at school this morning. Stockton and I went and talked with someone about his physics class and I payed Jorja's class fee that was due in psychology today. Jorja was busy campaigning, but our deal was I would put the receipt in her locker. I picked the kids up from school and asked Jorja if she turned in her psychology receipt. She forgot. Grrrr. I sent her back to turn it in before we left. She did remember to turn in her financial paper (what she had spent on her campaign) this morning. Mr. Packer called her the queen of puns. Stockton and I talked to Ashley for a bit after school. She said the student government class loved Jorja's video. They were talking about it afterwords and would say things like, "That Smith kid, I think she's going to win." I hope so! None of those guys get to vote! The videos were shown during advisory. I think Jorja's was the best. I'm not biased at all. :) It is nice to be all the way done with campaigning though!

I finished Greg's Christmas stocking today. Perfect timing because the one I ordered for Eve arrived today. I think this turned out cute. Hopefully Matt and Sam like it!

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