Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Girls are Mean

Mike took Jorja to school this morning with the little red jeep. Jorja was able to go first. She didn't really want to, but Mike convinced her to go. Plus, he wanted to get to work. Mike said she did great. He said she is super quiet around all the other candidates. She has mentioned before how they are the popular kids and she doesn't fit in with them. Oh man, these elections have been hard.

Anyway, Jorja has been taking my phone to school since her phone stopped working. Her sim card is in my phone right now. I'm starting to feel cut off from the world. If it wasn't elections, I would just make her deal with it. It probably would be a great thing for her to be cut off from people right now . . . except for the elections. The side benefit of her taking my phone is I have all access to her life as soon as she comes home. Sometimes I find these gems.
Other times I find these.
That text was sent from a girl Jorja hung out with yesterday. It was sent to Isaac, who sent it to Jorja. I am spitting mad. I can't even express how mad I am. Who does this? Why are girls so mean to Jorja? This girl was at my house yesterday and then she turns around and tries to mess with Isaac's head? I am not a fan of Jorja liking Isaac. I'm not. It has caused so much drama in her life. I feel like I can't stop them from liking each other, so I'm trying to deal with things the best I can. When Isaac talked to me and told me that he and Jorja had gotten back together I felt like I handled it okay. I told him that I would deal with it, but I had rules. The first one was that I wanted him to flirt with all the girls and I wanted Jorja to be able to flirt with all the boys. I did not want either of them to be so worried about how they acted around other people that they only end up talking to each other. That is not good. I told Isaac that Jorja has worked hard the last few years to come out of her shell and I didn't want her to go back into it. I asked him to let Jorja be herself. So....then this happens. I wish Isaac would have responded to this girl by saying something like, "No worries. That is our deal. She can flirt with anyone she wants to. Thanks for your concern." Or something like that. Instead he panicked and started worrying Jorja didn't like him. I think. Jorja wouldn't really tell me. The thing that irritates me most about the message is "maybe she isn't trust worthy". Wow. Did she just go there? That is a hot button issue for me. Not trust worthy? Pretty much everyone in our family is a 'this is how it is' person. I value honesty more than almost anything else. This has been drilled into the kids. Jorja said she felt completely insulted by that line. This girl is saying that Isaac shouldn't trust Jorja because they keep breaking up. What the heck? Isaac has broken up with Jorja EVERY TIME. Believe me, I know. I have picked her up and held her as she cried. Why should Isaac not trust Jorja because he keeps changing his mind about her? The super sad thing is Jorja was so excited to hang out with these girls. She has mentioned to me several times over the summer that she wished she had more girl friends, but she seems to get along with boys better. She was so happy when she went to bed last night. Then this. Jorja ended up talking to Isaac for a couple of hours last night. She had pudding all over her face and arms and hair. I talked to Jorja pretty late, still covered in pudding. She was telling me how she was picked on the entire 6th grade year. Especially in Chinese. She has always been incredibly shy. All of her Chinese friends had gone to the different middle school. Especially Jazzy. Now she was all alone, still shy, and being picked on. 7th grade year she had no classes with any of the Chinese kids except for Chinese. That turned out to be the biggest blessing of her life. She decided to reinvent herself. She said she decided she was tired of being picked on, so she worked hard to become more outgoing. She did the 'fake it 'til you make it' strategy. It paid off. Now she is super outgoing, incredibly kind, hilarious, and having a blast. Until things like this happen. What worries me is I saw Jorja write to Isaac and this girl that she will stop talking to Evan and Drew if she needed to. NOT GOOD! NO! NO! NO! So this jerk of a girl that is messing with Isaac's mind is going to ruin years of Jorja clawing herself out of her shell. People that aren't naturally shy will have no idea how hard that is to do. Not me. I know. Jorja was just like me, except I never had the courage she did. How I would have loved to force myself out of my shell. Jorja's done it and I do not want to see her shoved back in there. Besides the fact that when Jorja lost Katlyn as a friend Evan, Isaac and Drew helped her feel not so alone. Not talking to them is not an option. Jorja said she doesn't even know what to do now. She is going to be second guessing her interactions with everyone. Wondering if she is flirting, not knowing how to act or what to do. This is exactly what I didn't want to happen. I'm sick to my stomach over this. In conclusion, girls are mean.

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