Monday, September 4, 2017

Labor Day

Jorja practiced her video over and over today. She has to do an election video tomorrow morning. It is 30 seconds, one take, no editing. That sounds scary. She worked on it all morning. The rest of the day she had fun though. I picked up Evan and Drew and dropped them off at the mall. Evan and I were asking Jorja what you even do at the mall. I don't get it. I think they had fun though. Jorja had my phone so I found some pictures and weird videos.
Evan, Drew and half of Connor's face
 Jorja's eye and Isaac, no idea what they are doing here
I picked the kids up from the mall. There were four extra kids that I brought home with me. They played in the 'Jorjamobile' for a long time. Raina came after awhile. Mike made homemade bread and we forced them to eat it, even though some of them (Isaac) really didn't want to. Once everyone had left by Raina we practiced Jorja's videos some more. I love Raina. Just saying.
Raina & Jorja
Five deer came into our backyard. One of them kept standing on their hind legs to eat the leaves off of one of our trees. It totally reminded us of a kangaroo. Raina tried to get closer, but the deer freaked out and ran away. I knew where they would exit, so I tried to get pictures of them leaving.
Deer and Raina
Here is Jorja's election video. She has to do it for real tomorrow. AHHH!
We talked Jorja and Raina into watching a movie. Draft Day. That's a great movie. Mike downloaded it through VidAngel to cut out all the cursing. The movie had just started when Raina got a message that Marty's sister had just died. Marty is Jorja and Raina's softball coach. They went and sat on the porch to call him. Isaac also called and said that he and Evan were running to our house. Everyone was outside when I peaked out there. I asked Evan how long it took them to run here. He said about three minutes. Haha! Isaac said it was more like twenty. That's pretty good if running that far only feels like three minutes. The kids hung out for a couple of more hours until I loaded them up in the car to take them home. It is a school night after all.

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