Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Bowling and Missionaries

Mike took the day off of work today, although he was on call and worked most of the day. Stockton had his first bowling meet today. When we were at Angie's yesterday I got a text from Johny. (He is the down syndrome boy Stockton's age that lives on our street.) The text said, "Hi. John. I. Stockton. Take. Me bowling. Club. John." Haha. He makes me laugh. Stockton texted me after school to say he couldn't find Johny. I told him to leave and I would let Stephanie (Johny's mom) know. When Stockton and Jorja walked out to the jeep there were lots of people around it. Johny was trying to get into the jeep. Stockton was so funny when he was telling the story. I wish I could write it like he tells it. That kid makes boring things hilarious. Although it drives him nuts when I take him too literally with his stories. Stockton had fun and did decent at the bowling competition, but the kids from the other school were crazy good. I know one kid got a 236. My goal is just to break 100.

The missionaries came over tonight. Sister Hutchinson's companion left for home yesterday. Her new companion is straight from the MTC. We talked with them for a bit. Sister Hutchinson was introducing Jorja and telling her companion how much she likes Jorja. Preston started telling a story and Sister Hutchinson was laughing so hard. She said, "I'm sorry Jorja, but Preston might be my favorite." Then Stockton started telling a story and made them laugh again. Sister Hutchinson said, "You are funny. I've never talked to you before, but your mom kept telling me how funny you are. She was right."

While the missionaries were over I got a text from Stephanie asking if Johny was here. Stockton dropped Johny off at his house and watching him walk into the garage. Later I texted Stephanie and asked if she found him. Yep. He was at the Valentines. Whew.

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