Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Maysen's TWENTY!

My little baby girl is twenty today. I can hardly believe it. Maysen has brought such joy into my life. She helped heal my heart when it was broken from the death of my mom. I remember Grandma Parry coming to Washington to meet her for the first time. She mentioned how it made her so happy when I walked outside to meet them. She said I was holding Maysen like she was the most precious thing in the world. Which she was. I took pictures of pictures that I randomly found. I love this little girl more than words can say.
Mike & Maysen
 Stephanie & Maysen
 Maysen at the tulip festival in Washington
 Jorja & Maysen
 Grandma Honey & Maysen
This picture was taken right before we left on our flight back to Georgia. Grandma Honey died before we came back.
Stockton had his sterling scholar interview for math after school today. It went really well. He looked handsome in his suit. Stockton said that after he told the judges all the reasons why he would make a great candidate for math, he had to do two math problems right in front of them. They told him to speak through his thought process. They had him write the first problem on the board as they said it. Stockton said he just stood there not saying anything. Then he said, "Well, I'm stumped. I don't think this is possible." VanOrden yelled, "You aced that!" Yikes! They actually gave him an impossible problem. Stockton was so relieved he didn't try to solve it. Anyway, he did great. I have no idea if he will get this, there are a lot of smart math kids at Alta. Josh also went for math. Stockton and Josh were together in all their math classes from middle school on. They carpooled to the different schools and both took calculus as sophomores. Should be interesting. Stockton did come home before I left to Logan, so he decided to come with us. I wasn't expecting he would be able to, so this was a nice surprise. Jorja was at a soccer game and I couldn't get to her, so we left her behind.

I really wanted to be with Maysen on her birthday this year. She does not have a room mate, and she doesn't have many friends. Especially ones who would know it was her birthday. I couldn't stand the thought of her going through her entire birthday without anyone saying happy birthday to her. She did get birthday cards from both her grandpas and texts from several people. Rachel, Becky, Holly (my roommate from college) and even Isaac. I can't remember if she said anyone else. We had a great time though, I'm so glad we went up there.
Stockton & Preston
 Mike & Maysen
 Maysen just opened her present from Stockton
Stockton was so excited to get her this. He has been planning it for months. This is a remake of one of Maysen's favorite games from years ago. Maysen loves anything that reminds her of her childhood. (I love that!) Not only did they remake this game, but they added a new storyline. One with Fawful. Stockton has been hoping and hoping that Maysen wouldn't hear about this game. It was just released a few days ago. She was totally surprised and she loved it. Her favorite present for sure. Granted that the only other things she asked for (and received) was candy legos, finding her long charging cord and some face cream. ~ She's very low maintenance. Preston also gave her some tentacles (from Day of the Tentacle) that he 3D printed, along with super glue for her to put them together.
I should have kept this video running. Maysen was so funny. She told Stockton, "What are you doing to me?" (College has been intensive this semester, now she is going to be tempted with other things.)
We took Maysen out to Angie's. They sang Happy Birthday to her and brought her a birthday cinnamon roll. I took Maysen grocery shopping to fill up her fridge for a few weeks, then we stopped by Cold Stone. I was planning on getting Maysen a cupcake for her birthday, but that didn't work out. Maysen convinced me to get her a tub of Cold Stone's cake batter ice-cream and count that as her cake. She had it mixed with Aggie sprinkles. She said she really didn't like cake much that this would be better. We went back to Maysen's apartment and hung out until about 10:00, then made the long drive home.
Maysen, Stockton, Mike
 Preston clicked the picture button with his toe.
Preston, Stockton, Maysen, Stephanie, Mike
 Maysen & Stephanie
 Maysen & Stockton
 Maysen & Preston
 Maysen & Mike
Stockton and Preston slept the entire way home. Mike and I were so tired. We switched drivers three times, but made it home safe and sound. I am so glad we did this. It was nice to be with Maysen today. She is an incredible person and makes me very happy.

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