Monday, October 9, 2017

Driving and Talking

I left this morning to drive down to American Fork to pick up a present I ordered for Maysen a week ago. Everything was fine at the register, but when I went to pick it up I was told it was out of stock. That would have been nice to know before I drove up there. They are going to ship it to Maysen, it just won't be there in time for her birthday. That's annoying.

Sister Heaton (the Relief Society president) called me on my way home. She wanted to thank me for being nice to my neighbors. That made me laugh. She is funny, and it was nice to talk to her. She said, "I just realized I haven't talked to you since I've had this new calling." I said, "Yep, I'm in the primary hole." That made me laugh, but I don't think she thought it was that funny.

Isaac texted me a lot today. I gave him my opinion on things relating to him and Jorja. Manly encouraging them to be great friends for a long time and to not wish their lives away by being too much in a hurry to grow up. Jorja asked me today why I don't ever write anything nice about Isaac on the blog. I didn't realize that was the case. I guess the reason is, Jorja doesn't tell me all the good things Isaac does, but it is obvious when she is upset. So, to make Jorja happy I will write that Isaac is a great kid and super nice to Jorja. Although by writing this I will make Stockton unhappy. He misses the Jorja that wasn't into boys.

I took Stockton, Preston, Gavin and Janelle to diving today. When we got there they were in the middle of a college diving meet between the U and Southern California. It was a girls meet. I was expecting the divers to be a lot better than they were. I guess I was expecting all college divers to be able to compete at olympic level.

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