Sunday, October 8, 2017

Jorja's Hard Day

So....Jorja had a hard day today. She sent Isaac a text last night, then immediately regretted it. I can't remember what she said exactly, but something about just being friends for now and hopefully having a future later. I think. I can't really remember and she has her phone with her at school so I can't spy on her messages right now. Anyway, I think it caught Isaac off guard. Jorja cried most of the day today. She said she ruined things with Isaac. Evan calmed her down enough for her to go to church. Jorja said she was worried Isaac would never talk to her again. Evan assured her that there was no way Isaac would stop talking to her. Jorja did great during church, but cried a lot when she came home. I was just making her angry because I was getting kind of frustrated with her. Mike had her make lasagna with him and was able to talk to her and get her to calm down. She only started hyperventilating once, and Mike was able to get her to calm down right away.

I talked my family into going on a hike this afternoon. I wanted to be in the mountains with the pretty leaves. Jorja got upset because the hike starts by Isaac's church, which is near his house. I kind of mocked her for that because that was weird. Am I never going to be allowed to turn right when I leave my neighborhood? Anyway, I was hoping to make it to the suspension bridge. Except I messed up. I wasn't paying too much attention when I went there with Jacqui. I saw a sign that said Bonneville Trail, or something like that. It looked familiar, so we went that way. That was the wrong way. I think I see that name so much on the different Bradley instagram accounts that it seemed what I was looking for. So, we hiked along a bike path. I ran along it, which felt amazing. We were able to eventually find the right path and the first little bridge, but it was getting dark and Mike didn't want to be in the mountains with no light when it was dark for some reason. We will have to try again soon. It is so pretty up there. It was nice to get out of the house.

Isaac ended up calling Jorja tonight. I'm not sure what they talked about, but Jorja was a lot happier when she went to bed. I'm so glad he called her. I think she feels things are going to be okay. At least she isn't scared of him ignoring her. I hope they can get back to being the best of friends. Fourteen is so young to like someone so much. Jorja is A LOT different than Maysen.

One quick memory from today. We had the primary program practice, so everyone was just finding a seat in the chapel at the beginning of primary. I grabbed Dane's hand and was looking for others in my class. I saw a row stuffed with girls. Alex was against the wall and was crying. I sat Dane somewhere and then held out my arms to her. She came toward me and let me pick her up. I squeezed her so hard and she squeezed me right back. I stood there holding her, rocking her back and forth for a long time, both of us squeezing the guts out of each other. I never did ask her why she was crying, but I was just so full of love for that little girl. Ron Henderson walked by while I was holding Alex and said, "Rough gig you have there." He could tell I was loving every second of it.

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