Friday, October 6, 2017


I went on a hike with Becky and her little baby Max today. It was a short hike, but it was so nice. I was thankful that Becky thought to ask me. I loved catching up with her. It seems like ages ago since we worked in young womens together.

Mike and I had to divide and conquer today. I checked Jorja out of school. She had a softball tournament. No idea why it started so early today. I dropped Jorja off at the field, watched them warm up for a bit then went home. Stockton and I then went up to the U for the first high school meet of the season. So weird that they are starting this early. Usually the state meet is in March. This year it is in December. What? I wonder why they are doing that? Maybe so the kids can prepare for the USA/ASSU meets better? Oh well. Too bad the next meet is over fall break. Anyway, Stockton had a great meet! He took first! He scored 210.85 points. Nice way to start the season.
Stockton ~ 103B ~ front 1 1/2
403C ~ inward 1 1/2
203C ~ back 1 1/2
303C ~ reverse 1 1/2
5122 D ~ front flip full twist
105C ~ front 2 1/2
Results. Yay Stockton!
Meanwhile Mike was at the ball field with Jorja. He sent me a few videos. I like how the dust comes off Jorja's glove in this one. (Jorja also made a perfect tag at home. Yay Porge!)
Mike said this little kid became obsessed with Jorja. She played with him for a long time. He sent me a video of them playing catch together. The funny thing is, no one knows who the kid is. I think they figured out later that his sister is on one of the other teams. I love Jorja. She knows how to make everyone feel like they belong.
Jorja and random kid
Mike dropped Jorja off at the football game. Stockton went to play ping pong with his Capstone friends. The capstone engineering class Stockton is taking is mostly with people from other schools. They drive to Alta for this class. There are only a handful of Alta students. The kids met at Addy's house for pizza and ping pong. Two of Stockton's favorite things. Jorja seemed to have a fun time at the football game. At least this time she had a sweatshirt on. I went to pick Jorja and Evan up and saw an idiot student almost get run over by a car. This kid laid down in the parking lot, wearing black, at night. A car went to cut through some of the empty stalls and almost hit this kid. Glad that didn't actually happen. Hope my kids aren't that idiotic. Anyway, I'm going to grab some pictures from Jorja's phone.
Jorja & Hailey
 James, Jorja, Hailey
 Evan with all the girls.
Aiyanna, Hallie, Jorja, Evan, Camila, Hailey

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