Thursday, October 5, 2017

Homecoming Assembly

I snuck down to the high school so I could watch Jorja during the homecoming assembly. I got there a bit early, but that turned out to be good. I was able to go to the top and sit by other parents. I sat by Noni's mom. Noni is one of the head cheerleaders, so she has the same advisory as Jorja. I videoed the cheerleaders for her. Jorja was cute out there. Here is some of the videos.
The Porge
Jorja explaining the game
Drew ~ Essay on canvas due at midnight
That was the hardest one to make up a dance to!
Matt Russell ~ he was a student body officer with Mike
Kissing a manatee
Gavin ~ one of Stockton's friends
This guy was funny, his topic was drying off after a shower
I laughed so hard when I noticed the kid in front of me playing Mario Kart
I got the end of the spirit circle thing they do. Wish I would have caught it earlier.
This is a pretty boring video, but I stuck it on anyway.
Stockton took Preston to diving. I stayed and waited for Jorja to call me so I could pick her up from school. She had to stay after to work on the pep rally. She ended up riding around with Mr. Packer in a golf cart for about an hour, stopping to do stuff on the way. She ended up staying until the pep rally. She was freezing! She didn't have a sweater or a coat or anything. They did feed her though. I think the officers got pizza. I wish I had gone down to the pep rally. It's hard to know what Jorja is okay with me going to or not. She wasn't supposed to be doing anything. I found out later that she got to march in the parade. She also announced the musical chair game with the alumni. This year the alumni got to compete in a lot of games. Both at the homecoming assembly and the pep rally. Mike and I went last year. I was able to get Sherry and Shannon to come too. They just announced our names. We were supposed to play games, so I felt a bit embarrassed that Sherry and Shannon had come just for that. Who knew that a year later Jorja would need to be finding alumni for this. Too bad I didn't wait a year to ask Sherry and Shannon. They would have had more fun this year. At least Jorja had a great time. She was so happy when I came and picked her up. She had Ashley's blanket around her. She is loving student government.

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