Thursday, October 26, 2017


Happy birthday Jorja! She is now fifteen, but wishes she were twenty-one. She is in such a hurry to grow up. Today was crazy. Crazy busy. Mike skipped going to the temple this morning so Jorja would be able to open a few presents with all her family except Maysen. She loved the Hank Smith CDs. She's kind of iffy on the jacket. She said that it doesn't really look like her. Hopefully she'll get used to it and like it. I just want something she will be willing to wear that will keep her warm. We also gave her a note saying another birthday present is her student government sweater. She doesn't know when that will come in, but thinks it will be in November. I asked if I could get a picture of her before school that I could post on Instagram. She told me to wait until after school for better lighting. Haha. The girl that only cared about frogs is officially gone.
Jorja ~ 15 years old
Jorja's friend sent her this super funny video that I will post later. While I was looking for that video I spotted these messages that her EFY friends sent to her.
Jorja, Maggie, Brooklyn
Maggie, Jorja, Brooklyn
My car died at Walmart. I have no idea what happened. It felt like a battery issue. I went to Walmart and everything was fine. It stopped working when I left. Right as I was videoing the problem so I could send it to Mike I saw my friend Jacqui. I jumped out of the car and asked her if she could give me a ride home. I couldn't believe the timing! I didn't even have a second to worry about what I should do before Jacqui showed up. Yay!

Jorja had an okay day at school. Not the best and not the worst. Yesterday I brought Ashley doughnuts to bring to student government. Mr. Packer talked most of the time, but right at the end Baylor interrupted him and started singing "Happy birthday'. (Baylor is in charge of recognizing the birthdays throughout the year.) Jorja's friends were all super nice to her, but she came home with tears in her eyes. She said Isaac didn't talk to her all day, and that he was always with another girl. She said today was the first time Isaac didn't sit by her at lunch. She had been looking forward to being with Isaac on her birthday for a long time. The first thing she said to me when Isaac told her he liked someone else was, "And right before my birthday." Isaac texted her after school. He thought Jorja didn't want to talk to him. Those two! We were so busy the rest of the day that they kept missing each other and she never got to talk to him. She was quite disappointed. She'll survive. Jorja, please just enjoy this year! Try not to worry about boys! Just have a fun non-stressful year. Easy, right?
Jorja ~ 15 years old in better light
Hailey gave Jorja this shirt. Jorja had tried it on at the mall yesterday, but didn't end up buying it. Jorja doesn't know when Hailey went back for it. I told her maybe Hailey was sly and bought it when she wasn't looking. Anyway, it was super nice of Hailey and the shirt looks adorable on Jorja. Allison also got Jorja a purple hippo stuffed animal with a balloon and candy. The hippo is soft!
Jorja wearing Hailey's birthday shirt
Speaking of Hailey and the mall... Yesterday Jorja found a 'racing attire' outfit that reminded her of the elections. Of course she had to try it on. Doesn't she look adorable?
Stockton and Gavin went to diving right after school. Preston skipped diving today so he could do his last pinewood derby. He wanted to make his car look like a mouse. Actually, he originally wanted it to be a slice of carrot cake, but while they were trying to make that they thought it looked like a mouse. Preston loved it.
Preston's mouse car
 Mike & Preston loved Chase's Oregon Trail car
While Mike and Preston were at the pinewood derby, I took Jorja to her softball banquet. Her coaches were so great. They have worked so hard with these girls. They talked about each one of them too. When they started talking about Jorja (or Ya-Ya, which is one of her softball nicknames for weirdness sake), Marty said that she is by far the most emotional member of the team. Ha! That is true! Let's try and reign that in a little bit this year Porge! They talked about how super nice she is to everyone and how she makes everyone feel special, that she did an awesome job as team captain this season. They talked about the spunk she added to the team and how she was a big reason they went to competition ball this year. I took a video of them talking about her, but it is too long to post. Marty said that Jorja was the core of the apple, the person everyone loves, she's crazy and has a fun spunk that no one else brings. "Jorja with a J - they spelled the state wrong." Haha. That's my girl!
Jorja and Jana
 Jorja and Marty
 Megan, Jorja, Paige
 Jorja and Paige
Let's take a second here to celebrate Paige's weirdness. Paige goes to a different school, but she is in 9th grade as well. She sent Jorja this birthday video. We couldn't stop laughing. I see why Jorja gets along with her so well.
Shay & Jorja
 Jorja & Kamryn
 Jorja & Oakley (Jana's daughter)
 Jorja & Tayleigh
Everyone sang Happy birthday to Jorja while we were there. Jorja loved being with her softball friends on her birthday. This worked out perfectly. Raina left before I was able to get a picture of her with Jorja. Mike stopped at Cold Stone on the way home and just picked up a random cake for Jorja. She liked it. I didn't have candles, so I held up my fingers and she blew them out. Hopefully her wishes will still come true!
We gave Jorja her last present, which was the CD player. It finally arrived right before we left to the softball banquet. I think Jorja is really going to like it. Well, that's a wrap for this birthday post. Jorja is awesome. I love her. I hope her fifteenth year is her best year yet!

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