Friday, October 27, 2017

Black Bear Diner

On Wednesday the missionaries asked if I could help them drop off their car at the shop. Yesterday I let them know my car wasn't working. This morning Mike and I finally went to Walmart to see if we could get the car started. We did, barely. I texted the missionaries and they hurried over. I was in a rush because I had my visiting teaching appointments at 8:45. I was a little late, but everything got done. The missionaries love, love, love Jorja. Specifically Sister Hutchinson. I love it.

Jacqui and I went walking with Megan and Javita for our visiting teaching. It was great. We dropped off Jacqui and were standing in front of Javita's house when Damian pulled up. I went to talk to him. Damian is Maysen's age. Damian is hoping to be a professional baseball player. A few days ago he actually hit the light at batting practice on the UVU field. Lots of scouts were there, so it was good timing. I was teasing him saying he had to make it to the majors so he could get my brothers and me awesome baseball tickets. We then talked about the World Series for a bit. Damian said he could help Jorja out with softball in a few weeks. I hope that works out. That would be amazing!
Damian's broken light
A few hours after I got home Javita texted me telling me that the White Sox just contacted Damian. AHHHH! I screamed so loud! I was hoping to go watch his last game this fall up at BYU. I thought it was Saturday. It was today and I couldn't go. Instead Javita texted me every time he was up and how well he was doing. That was so fun! Damian had to fill out a lot of information to send to the White Sox. His trainer told him that means Damian is on their radar to watch in the spring. I hope he has an amazing season!

My brothers, my dad and I have this group text that has been going on for more than a year. Mostly we talk about sports. I sent them this text when I saw it.
Mike's texts were so funny. "Sweet . . . now I only have to feel guilty once a year for missing it instead of twice." "Can't wait for the next announcement where church will be reduced from 3 hours to 1.5 hours in 'the spirit of reducing and simplifying the work of the church'...that way everyone can get to their softball/baseball/soccer games/practices on time." Matt then texted, "Sounds good Mike. Let's vote for Mike to be prophet." Later Bubs let my dad know when Lincoln would be getting the priesthood. (Lincoln's birthday is the same day as Jorja's. He just turned 12.) My kids always joke with Lincoln that he is forever seven years old. It used to irritate him so much, but now he just goes with it. Kind of how Bubs hated his nickname we gave him while he was on his mission, but then he finally decided to embrace it. Anyway, I asked how Lincoln could get the priesthood when he's seven. Bubs said it was because he is super righteous. Mike said, "Church is changing Dad...priesthood session once a year. Lincoln gets priesthood at age 7... I'll make sure I head up to Utah though when Steph gets the priesthood." Oh man, I laughed so hard. They love to tease my dad. I love my brothers.

Stockton had to stay after school for Academic Decathlon. He thought he would be there until 3:30, so Jorja decided to wait it out. I started texting them asking if they were ever coming home. Stockton's meeting went longer than he thought it would. Jorja was stuck at school. (School ends at 2:25) At 4:00 I headed down to get her. I was almost halfway there when she told me Stockton was finished. That was a long wait.

Jorja invited some friends to celebrate her birthday with her at Black Bear diner. She is always planning things. Mike and I are just along for the ride. We told her it would be okay as long as her friends paid for themselves. Our deal is the kids get a birthday party on their even number birthday, so we didn't want to get tricked into giving Jorja a party. Ha! It ended up working out really well. All the kids got to sit together. Mike, Preston and I sat at a different table.
Paige, Jorja, Isaac, Evan, Sami, Camilla
Allison, James, Kenzie, Grace, Hallie, Hailey
 Hailey, James, Isaac
Grace, Jorja, Camilla, Evan, Hallie, Paige, Allison
Kenzie, Sami
 I made them take another picture with Hailey in the front because I couldn't see her too well....
James, Isaac
Grace, Jorja, Hallie, Camilla, Evan, Allison, Paige
Kenzie, Sami, Hailey
Hailey is so funny! She makes me laugh. I am glad Jorja is going to be with her while I'm in Australia. She will take good care of her. Hailey and Paige had to leave, but the rest of the kids came back to our house. They played some weird game while I watched the World Series.
Evan, Jorja, Grace, Sami, Camilla, Isaac, James, Kenzie, Hallie, Allison
The kids then watched Napoleon Dynamite and I was reduced to watching the World Series play by play on my phone. Dodgers lost. They weren't really in this game. Disappointing. One by one people were picked up until it was only Hallie. I had told her I would give her a ride home. I was talking to Jorja after we dropped Hallie off. It is pretty late at this point and I am not a night person. At all. Not even a little bit. Jorja gave a one word answer to one of my questions. I said, "Oh, I think you are done talking to me." Or something like that. It was the wrong thing to say. I didn't mean anything mean, I wasn't even mad, just stating what I thought was happening. Jorja started crying. I grew up with brothers and I don't understand girls at all. I was so confused. I had no idea what was happening and I don't think well that late at night. I kept asking Jorja why she was upset. What I did wrong. She started crying saying things like she is such a burden. I'm thinking, "How did we get here? Two seconds ago I thought things were fine and you had a great day." Jorja stayed crying in the car when I went inside. I got Mike up and told him I needed help with Jorja. I went out and asked her to come inside. She started crying on the couch. I could see a panic attack coming. Mike was with her and I went and got a glass of water and made her drink it. Shannon told me to do that next time. It worked. Swallowing made her breathing break out of the cycle it was in. She was able to bring herself back to normal before things got out of control. Okay, good to know that trick. Mike asked if she wanted to sleep in the guest room with me. She wanted to sleep in her own room. That is a good sign. I think she was okay when she went to bed. She had her Hank Smith CDs to listen too. I'm so glad.

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