Saturday, October 28, 2017

Sister Hutchinson

Stockton took the ACT test this morning. He was surprised how many people he knew were taking it.  Yesterday one of his friends asked his other friend why in the world he was retaking the test when he already got a 32. Stockton was thinking, "Please don't ask me what I got, please don't ask me." There were tons of cars there when I dropped him off. He felt really good about the test. He practiced for this one. I'm not sure how much, but I know he did some practice tests that he said helped him. Anyway, I'm glad he took it again. Even if he doesn't score higher than a 33, nothing bad is going to come out of this.

This missionaries stopped to see Jorja today. Jorja was sound asleep when they came. Sister Hutchinson gave Jorja a birthday present and a cute card.
Jorja, Sister Hutchinson (from Georgia), Sister Arco (from Tennessee)
 Jorja & Sister Hutchinson
 Jorja was so tired she couldn't open her eyes very well
 I loved this card
 Jorja already has hung both the poster and the card up on her wall
Jorja loves this song. She used to listen to it over and over when she was four years old. She has recently started playing it on the piano a lot. Grandma Honey sang this song to her mom while she died. I gave Grandma Honey a music box with this song in it afterwords. I think it is the only present I ever gave her that she really liked. Perfect present from Sister Hutchinson.

When I woke up Jorja this morning she had a startled expression on her face. She said, "Mom! I forgot to turn in my current event for biology!" The quarter ended yesterday. Shoot! Jorja has a 106% in the class right now, so I hope it won't bring her down lower than a 93%. Still.

I took Jorja shopping for some things for her Halloween costume. We stopped and picked up Hallie on the way. I brought the girls back home and they hung out in Jorja's room for a few hours.
Jorja & Hallie
I took Jorja down to Lehi so she could go to a stake dance with her EFY friends. Jorja was a sun and she looked adorable.
Brooklyn, Maggie, Jorja
I watched the World Series while texting my brothers. John likes A-Rod as a commentator. I'm still bitter about the way he left the Mariners when I lived in Washington. At least Dodgers won tonight. I picked up Jorja around 11:00. I am tired.

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