Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Improv and EFY

Rachel wanted the girls to make birthday cards for Brett. She was hoping to get them in the mail today. All the girls were feeling awful, but look at how cute Marie's card is! I love how she said she drew the Walgreen's logo. Hahaha!
All four of Rachel's girls were sick today. All of them. I don't think I have ever had all of my kids sick at the same time. Rachel took them to Urgent Care, especially since Marie had strep. They wouldn't see her. They said they don't take walk-ins until 5:00. This is how the girls looked all day.
 Mina & Grace
Mina was BEGGING to go to the doctors. Grace was begging too. It was so sad. Grace has strep. She refuses to take medicine, so that will be fun for Rachel. Rachel was bringing the kids in from the doctors when she threw up on the front grass. Wow. It just keeps getting better and better for her.

Jorja was so funny today. She had a dream about a kid in her seminary class. His name is Jaren. He is president of the improv thing. Jorja's friend Heather signed her up for the auditions. Jorja wasn't so sure about that. Heather was Jorja's pantomime partner in theater. Anyway, the auditions are today, which is probably why Jorja had a dream about Jaren. He sits in front of her in seminary. She tapped him on the shoulder and said, "This is kind of weird since I have never talked to you, but I had a dream about you last night." Then she told him her dream. Jaren was the fruit king. There were groups of different fruits. Jorja was in the peach group. Then they fought to the death Hunger Games style. They had guns that shot their fruit. I'm not telling it as funny as Jorja did. Apparently she had Jaren laughing so hard he was crying. That's my girl!

Heather came and picked up Jorja for the improv tryouts after school. She was nervous. This was way out of her comfort zone. They were in groups of four and played different improv games. Jorja was with Heather and two other people she didn't know. There were about 35 people trying out and only 17 people can make it. Jorja didn't think she had a chance because she is a freshman, but after tryouts she was really hoping she made it. Jorja was gone with friends, but she texted me the cast. She actually made it! She is not in the main cast, but she is a server/actor. Heather made it too. She is so excited. Her friends Natalie and Sami also made it. This will be such a good experience for her. How fun!

Jorja hung out with her EFY friends tonight. Her friend, Hunter, was in town from California. She has been so excited to see him. She has been talking about it for months. Today was the day. They hung out at Brooklyn's house and Thanksgiving Point. They also took lots of pictures. Jorja wants to be better about pictures now that she has somewhere she puts them. Plus she has started putting lots of pictures on her bedroom wall. Here are a fraction of the pictures Jorja took. I'm glad she had fun.
Brooklyn, Maggie, Jorja, Hunter
 Maggie & Brooklyn, Hunter & Jorja
 Maggie, Brooklyn, Jorja, Hunter
 Maggie, Hunter, Brooklyn, Jorja
 Maggie, Jorja, Brooklyn
 Hunter & Jorja
 Hunter & Brooklyn
 Jorja & Hunter
 Maggie & Hunter
 Brooklyn, Jorja, Maggie
 Hunter & Jorja
I was late picking Jorja up. She was in Lehi and things went crazy right before I needed to pick her up. I was trying to help Rachel get all her sick kids to bed while she was so sick. Right before Rachel came back from the doctors, Mike, Preston, Marie and I were playing Colt Express. Preston kept saying how sleepy he was. That is unusual. Especially during a game. Well, it wasn't very long before he started throwing up. We didn't even finish the game. You know Preston is feeling awful if he can't finish a game! I got Preston put to bed with a bucket next to him, helped Rachel and was heading out the door when Stockton came home. He had gone to diving and then said he was going to hang out with the diving team. Well, Stockton and Gavin came inside. Stockton looked awful. He hurried downstairs. Gavin said that he thought Stockton had the flu. Stockton was fine all during diving. They went to Chick-Fil-A, he was fine. They went to see a movie. A bit into the movie he was not fine. He ended up throwing up twice. Luckily he didn't throw up in the movie theater, but he didn't make it to a toilet, he threw up on the bathroom floor and then in the garbage can. Then on the way out he threw up again. Holy cow! This bug is nasty! Plus, every time there is a break from school Stockton seems to get sick, why should this day be any different. I took Gavin home and said, "Well, it looks like you won't be hanging out with Stockton and Jorja tomorrow." Drat. Hopefully Gavin doesn't get sick. Hopefully this bug doesn't last long.

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