Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Sick Day

The nasty bug took me down last night. I spent most of the night throwing up. There were nine people in our house today. I didn't count Mike, he was at work. Out of those nine people, there was only one person who was not throwing up. O-N-E. That was Jorja. Hopefully this bug won't get to her. When I picked her up last night and told her Stockton was sick, she knew that meant she wouldn't be able to hang out with Gavin tomorrow. She said, "But this is supposed to be my happy week." She deserves that. Jorja came into my room and asked me if she could go with Evan somewhere. I barely knew what she was talking about. I really didn't care at that moment, but I do remember telling her not to get her friends sick. I found these pictures on her phone later.
Jorja, Sami, Evan
 Jorja & Evan
 Evan, my favorite
 Apparently Jorja got herself stuck in a baby swing
 Jorja & Evan
 Sami, Will, Jorja, Evan
Jorja had a great time. They went to Cafe Rio and Evan made Jorja try a burrito. They ate at a park and then went to see a movie. I think it was called The Star. I'm glad Evan and his mom were able to take her out of this sick house today. It was not fun to be here.

Rachel left to go back to Idaho really late last night. She got there safely about 2:30 in the morning. She said the girls slept most of the way. I'm glad she is there safe and sound. I was a little bit worried about her.

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