Thursday, November 23, 2017


Last Saturday my oldest nephew eloped. He sent this picture to Steve. Spencer got married in Rhode Island to Xiouxuan.
Xiouxuan & Spencer
I felt better today, but not great. I did not want to cook anything. I wasn't that confident in my not being sick abilities. Mike and I went to the store this morning and grabbed rolls and pie. Luckily I still had lots of cranberry sauce from dinner on Sunday. Plus, that stuff gets better after a few days anyway. We had dinner with Steve and Shannon and their family. Shannon had everything looking perfect. I felt so bad that she worked so hard and I wasn't able to do my part.
 Stockton, Brandon, Weston, Preston, Jorja
 Steve, Mike, Stephanie, Jacob, Erica
I also don't have a picture of Shannon. Whoops. Scoop came over after dinner. Another person I didn't get a picture of. I was wishing I had gotten a picture of him with his grandkids, or at least him with his sons. Mike, Steve and I played Hearts with him. Just like old times. He won, just like old times.

Mike was not feeling well and was anxious to get home. He slept for a bit, but then . . . Jorja and I were in the kitchen when we heard him throwing up. Now, just to give some context. Mike has the loudest sneezes in the world. I tease him about that all the time, because they are obnoxiously loud. Well, apparently he is loud when he is sick too. Jorja and I kind of looked at each other when we could hear him. I started laughing. Jorja kept saying, "Mom! It's not funny!" Oh but it was. I don't know why, but it was hilarious. I gathered the kids to read scriptures when someone brought up the fact that dad got sick. Again I started laughing. I couldn't stop. I was crying I was laughing so hard. Mike came in to find out what was so funny. I told him why I was laughing. He did not find it as humorous as me. This entire week has been ridiculous with the sickness. Nine of ten people got knocked down by this bug. Jorja is the only one who is still holding strong. That thing didn't even touch her. Let's hope it never does.

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