Saturday, November 11, 2017

Looking for Andrew

My sleep schedule is still a mess. I didn't set an alarm, but I was up by 5:00. I decided to go to the temple. I made it to the 6:00 session. I was glad I made it this week, but a little bit into it I regretted forgetting to eat breakfast.

A boy in Jorja's Sunday school class named Andrew went missing yesterday. He got in a fight with his parents and ran away from home around 10:00 in the morning. We were sent messages yesterday night to check our yards and see if he was hiding somewhere. He is autistic and hides frequently. He was still missing this morning. Mike went to the stake center to help with the search party.
I took Maysen to her laser appointment and then we went to Katie Larson's bridal shower. I know Katie was glad Maysen was there. Especially since Maysen was the only person her age. Well, Katie is about a year older than Maysen, but they were friends growing up. Katie was really happy and it was fun to see her.
Maysen & Katie
Mike left the search party to go get Jorja from softball. She got hit in the eye while she was warming up the pitcher. She had her catcher gear on, but not her mask. The ball hit Jorja's knee pads and took a nasty bounce into her eye. She couldn't open her eye for about ten minutes. We had her put ice on it when she got home. She didn't like that too much. Jorja made me laugh. She said something like, "Just because everything else in my life is going so well right now . . . ." I laughed and laughed. While Jorja had ice on her eye, we got another message for all the search parties to meet back at the stake center. Jorja and I decided to go on down there. Jorja was pretty worried about him. We were put in Ron Henderson's group. We then drove down to Draper and were split up again. Jorja, Darby and I were assigned to go to stores starting around Cafe Rio in Draper and working our way up to 7th East. We only were given a few flyers though. One of the first stores we came to was a copy store, so I asked for thirty more copies. It was nice to be able to leave his picture at every store instead of just asking random people if they had seen him. I sent Jorja and Darby off on their own after awhile. Darby was making Jorja laugh and said she could tell everyone he gave her the black eye.
Jorja's black eye
Mike, Stockton, Jorja and I went to Village Inn. Maysen and Preston didn't want to go. Traffic was horrible! We were kind of close, but hadn't moved for awhile. I told Mike I could get there faster running. I hopped out of the car and ran the rest of the way there. I did get there before them, but not by much. Stockton and Jorja were so cute together. I wish I had a picture of them. Stockton had his arm around her, and she looked so safe. Tonight was so much fun. The real Jorja was back! My happy, happy Jorja. I have missed her! It has been so long since she has been herself. At least a month. The four of us laughed and laughed and laughed. She is healing. This is good.

Maysen's classes have been so hard and time consuming this semester. She has told me she falls asleep in her clothes with her lights on doing homework. Well, this is what I found when I came back from dinner. Exactly as she described.
Originally we were planning on taking her back to Logan tonight. I think we'll wait until morning. Luckily both of us have 1:00 church. I closed Maysen's laptop and put it away. When I turned off the lamp it woke Maysen up and she freaked out. Her eyes were wide and she looked so scared. I guess she is used to living alone now.

Andrew was found tonight. Someone saw a flyer in a store in Draper and called the police. He was at a friend's house. I wonder if the flyer was one of the ones put there by us? Could be.

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