Friday, November 10, 2017

Preston's 11th Birthday

Today was a crazy busy day! Jorja had to be at school super early to work on the Veteran's Day program. I think they set up a ton of flags outside before school. She missed all of her classes today except the last one. They were able to eat breakfast with the Veterans. She liked that a lot. Jorja dressed up and wore heels to school. She asked if I could bring her tennis shoes. I hurried so I could watch Jorja during the assembly. I wanted to video, but she was announcing the ballroom team. Right  as she was about to start speaking I was asked to move. I didn't realize that the entire ballroom team was lined up right behind me. Oh well. She did great. Jorja said that so far she is the only freshman who has been asked to speak. She has been asked several times. Makenzie, the Student Body President, told her that she does a really good job and she knows she can count on her. That's awesome.

Today is Preston's 11th birthday. Wow! I hurried to the store after Jorja's assembly. Preston wanted to bring his class party cake muffins and apple cider. Mike helped me get ready. I was a wee bit stressed. Everything turned out perfect though. I took the picture below this morning. Preston has a scrape on his nose. He ran into a fence during recess while we were gone. Now that he's older hopefully he will be aware of fences.
Mike drove up to Logan to bring Maysen home for the weekend. Preston was pretty excited about that. I went to Stockton's diving competition. He got 2nd place. I'm annoyed that I took videos of all his dives with the camera portrait style. I know better than that! Here is his back 1 1/2. This is the first time he has competed it in the pike position. Nicely done!
Stockton ~ 203B
Stockton and I stopped by Cold Stone on our way home to pick up the cake Preston ordered last night. We also stopped by Little Caesars and brought home pizza and breadsticks. Mike and Maysen got home a few minutes before we did. We didn't have candles once again. Preston had each of us hold up our two pointer fingers. He held up one. Then he went and blew them all out. One of the kids fingers turned out to be a trick candle, but I can't remember who it was at the moment.
Preston finally got to open his presents about 10:00 at night. He was quite pleased with them. The new version of Multimedia Fusion. The new Pandemic Legacy. The new Mario 3ds game that was released today.
Mike, Maysen, Stockton and Preston all played the Mario game for a long time. They had great fun. I spent a long time downstairs with Jorja while she talked and talked and talked to me. I can't wait until this girl starts feeling better. I know it will happen. She's getting stronger, it is just still so raw and hard right now.

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