Thursday, November 9, 2017

Sterling Scholar

Today was a LONG day. I was looking forward to my last breakfast of porridge, banana bread and hot chocolate. They were out of porridge and banana bread! I survived, but wasn't pleased about it. We made it to the airport just fine. I texted Stockton good luck with his Sterling Scholar reception. It is Thursday for us, but still Wednesday for the kids. My dad went with Stockton so he wouldn't be alone. I kept looking at the time while I was on the plane thinking, Stockton is finding out now if he won. The first thing I did when we landed in California was turn to Mike and say, "Do you think Stockton won?" We hurried and turned airplane mode off and checked the slack thread. Stockton had a picture with the caption, "Surprise" Except it wouldn't load for us. But Jorja answered below, "WHAAAAAAT YOU WON" Yay! We started laughing and cheering! We were so happy for him. These are the pictures Stockton sent. I think my dad took them while the Life Touch people were taking them.
Stockton ~ Sterling Scholar ~ mathematics
 2018 Sterling Scholars
Stockton said the girl next to him was very happy about being in the middle. She was talking about that when Stockton said, "And I'm one standard deviation from the middle." Haha! Math nerd. Jeanette took this picture and sent it to me. ---Okay, Stockton corrected me on his joke. The kids were put into a line from tallest to shortest. The girl in the middle was excited about being in the middle. Stockton was right next to her and that is when he said he was one standard deviation from the middle. Hahahahahaha! That makes it even more funny in my mind. That kid cracks me up!
My dad picked us up at the airport. We got home around lunch time. Then we slept. We were exhausted. It was so fun to see the kids when they got home. Stockton took Preston and Gavin to diving. After they left I picked up Jorja at Hailey's house and we went to Mimi's Cafe. We talked and talked and talked. That girl had had a hard week. It was fun to be back with the kids again. We gave them a few trinkets we picked up. Boomerangs for the boys. A necklace and bracelet for Jorja. Jorja and I slept in the guest room tonight. I wish I could put that girl's heart back together. I know she will be able to do it, it just really hurts right now. I'm glad I can finally hold her again. She will be okay.

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