Wednesday, November 8, 2017


I slept longer today then I have the entire trip. I woke up right at 3:00. I quickly figured out it was 9:00 in Utah. That made me laugh. It is late start at home, so Jorja was just starting school at that exact time. Mike had to work on his presentation this morning, so we stayed around the hotel until noon. Jorja texted me for a bit after school. I was really hopeful today would be great for her. Except it wasn't. Lunch is the hardest for her right now. I wish she had lunch with Stockton.

I walked Mike to his conference, then took off on my own. My first stop was the Lindt store. There was a Lindt store in Paris that was crazy big. This one doesn't even come close, but I thought Jorja would love to see all these colors.
There was also a cafe there. It just so happened that on Wednesdays the waffles were half off. That is what I decided to have for lunch. Delicious.
 The small zoo was my first stop. Mike loves these signs. Especially the kangaroo one.
 There was a cool mist thing you had to walk through to get in the zoo.
 First up . . . FROGS!
 Tazmanian Devil ~ lots of energy there
I was shocked with how fast these guys moved
Cassowary ~ World's deadliest bird
 Green & Golden Bell Frog
This guy moved a lot slower than the wombat!
Shingle-back ~ looks like a pinecone!
I then wandered through Madame Tussauds. I have never been to one before. I enjoyed it. Most of the people had some link to Australia, so I learned a lot of new things. A couple of times someone would ask me to take their picture. When they did, I asked if they would take mine.
Einstein and Stephanie
 Madame Tussauds
I thought this was funny. John Logie Baird invented the television? What? 
 Steve Irwin
 Audrey Hepburn & Stephanie
I found a corner before the Marvel exhibit and sat down to see if I could get ahold of the kids. The museum had Wifi! It took me awhile and I had to sign my life away, but I was able to get a few messages out. Jorja sent me a message and said she was doing better. Yay! I didn't hear back from Stockton or Preston. Hopefully Preston got to scouts okay.

I left the museum and went and bought chocolate. They were having a special. All the chocolate I could fit into a small box for $16. I stuffed that thing so tight! The lady weighed it. It would have cost me $68. Yikes! My next mission was to find the Sydney Tower Eye. I couldn't help but take a picture of this building. Mike and I have talked about it a lot. That is the worst name for a bank I have ever seen.
It took me awhile to find the Sydney Tower. I almost gave up, but I managed to find it. The top is a lot like the Space Needle. I saw my friend Robyn there with her husband. When I said hi to them they turned around and said, "No way!" I can't believe I keep running into them. I wasn't able to go outside and do the sky walk, because I had to meet Mike really soon. I just took some photos from around the eye.
I was in the elevator by myself on the way down. That is when I noticed it was held together with duct tape. Oh no! Should I be worried? Just kidding. Most things in my life are held together with duct tape.
I was trying to get to Mike fast, but the elevator ended in a mall. I could not figure how to get out of it. Where were the 'Way Out' signs when I needed them? My worst nightmare. Trapped in a mall! I did finally manage to get out when I realized the street level was on the 2nd floor. (This mall has many floors.) I took off and ran several blocks until I made it back to Mike. I was seven minutes late. Not bad. Mike took a picture of the tower as we were walking by.
 Sydney Tower Eye
Mike and I walked to the train station and went to Circular Quay. We got some excellent gelato, I'm glad we managed to do that one more time. We went into an outdoor restaurant on a whim. Mike ordered the Kangaroo Filet. (Sorry Porge.) It had a few bites. It was actually super delicious. I don't know if it was the way they cooked it, or if kangaroo is just yummy. Mike didn't like the bed of beets though.
Look at this seagull waiting. A couple of them flew at my head, landed on the table and tried to eat my fries. One of the seagulls got their foot in my water. The waitress took that away speedy quick.
Once we finished and walked away the seagulls attacked. I mean ATTACKED! I wish Mike videoed it. It was crazy. One of the seagulls kept walking in the beets. Oh man, so funny!
Mike and I went to the Sydney Opera House and say DiviLicious and the Impresario. Mostly by Mozart. It was in a small room and Mike managed to get us front row seats.
It was awesome! It was cool to see the bay out the windows. Fun to watch the ships sail by. The only bad thing was I fell asleep twice. Just super quick. Hopefully no one noticed. My favorite part of this short opera was the beginning when a guy was singing about office supplies. He really likes his self inking stamp.
That's about all from us in Australia! Mike packed us up while I tried to finish here. It is almost midnight Australia time. We are hoping to eat at 7:00 then make our way to the airport. Watch. This will be the first time I actually am able to sleep.

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