Friday, December 22, 2017

Escape Room Christmas

I made an egg free/dairy free gingerbread house this morning! It turned out better than the dairy free one. I'm so excited! Once I was finished with gingerbread, Jorja drove us to the store. She was looking for a few presents. While we were out Darby texted Jorja. He had asked her a week or so ago if she would dance in front of the whole school in the diversity assembly. She would be assigned a partner from the Latinos in Action club and they would be taught some kind of dance. Jorja was really excited about this. Well, Darby texted her today and told her they didn't need her anymore. That was disappointing. Oh well. Next, we then went and picked up J-A-Z-Z-I-E! Jorja met up with Jazzie and Dallin at Bahama Bucks. These guys were some of her best friends when she was in elementary school. They went to different middle schools and now go to different high schools. I was so happy to see them together!
Jazzie, Jorja, Dallin
 I can't believe Jazzie is taller than Jorja now!
 Still just as goofy!
Jorja, Jazzie, Dallin
Mike and I went to a Japanese hibachi restaurant while we waited to pick up Jorja. She was pretty jealous. She has wanted me to take her to one of those again for quite awhile. Mike and I decided to take the kids to an escape room tonight. Mike bought tickets and we texted the kids to be ready to go at 8:30. They thought we were taking them to see Star Wars and were pleasantly surprised when we ended up here. On the way down we stopped at Hallie and Gavin's house for Jorja and Stockton to drop off gifts. Mike picked a Harry Potter themed escape room. Before we went in they showed us how the locks worked. They told us not to pick up anything that was glued down. We were instructed to find six horcruxes and place them on their labeled spot. That was it. They left and locked us in. We had an hour to escape the room. This room had a 44% escape rate. We were able to do it with then minutes to spare. Most of the room is filled with logic puzzles. We were all working on different things at the same time. Everyone found something to help. It was pretty cool. It was also awesome because ten people can be in the room at one time. No one signed up with us so we were able to go by ourselves. Jorja loved it. She said it made her feel so smart. She wants to work there now. I want to write about it in detail, but I don't want to give away any spoilers . . . just in case.
Maysen, Stephanie, Jorja, Preston, Mike, Stockton
 Maysen and Jorja ~ she is blowing out her wand
 Maysen, Jorja, Stockton, Preston
The kids were saying we should do this every Christmas Eve. I wonder if they would have liked it as much if we weren't able to escape. Everyone was so happy on the way home. When Jorja walked into the house she yelled, "Guess who is no longer suffering from crippling depression!" Haha! Welcome back Porge! We have missed you!

The kids all slept in the boys room and listened to Shrek sing the 12 Days of Christmas all night long. They said it was tradition. Mike and I were up until 1:30 in the morning putting together gingerbread houses. I was able to figure out egg free icing - and it worked!!! I'm so happy! I did a bag of powdered sugar, half a cup of water and 2 Tablespoons of Karo syrup. Who knew? Mike and I were completely exhausted when we were finally able to go to bed. Today was a very good day.

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